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O/T How do I tell my life long friend her kid is a psycho!?

AliceP's picture

I've known K since she was 6 months old. OVER 30 YEARS!!! She has 3 kids one boy in school, one boy 5 but won't start school til september and one girl 11 months. She has an unreliable baby daddy and the baby daddy of the older boys works so he can't watch them. I volunteered she offered to pay me for twice a week. IT HAS BEEN A NIGHTMARE!!!the 5 year old destroys all my kids toys, he has the emotional intelligence of a two year old, he shows no empathy, he's a big friggin' baby, all he does with the baby sister is get in her face and yell her name at her til she screams and he still won't leave her alone, I had to ask his mother outright if at home she makes her kids fight for food like the Hunger Games because he wants any and everything in my house but if his mom brings him a snack or something from his house he yells at my girls that they "can't have his food it's his, his mom brought it for him and they can't have it!!!!" And they could care less. He tries to hen peck my girls and tell them what to do my oldest will just refuse to play with him but my BD3 wants blood vengence. So I have to reprimand her all the time for doing what I feel like doing to him. My DH hates him, grandma hates him, his own grandmother refuses to watch him. I committed to this til october!! I hate that K gets up at 5am drops one kid off at the YMCA, fights traffic, drops two kids off here, works all day, fights traffic to pick up the two, than I have to lay on her all the horrible things about her kid, than she has to try and make it to the YMCA to pick up the oldest before 6pm. But I think this kid needs therapy or something, something is not right...take away the bad behavior and he still seems not right do you tell the nicest woman in the world her kid is a cretin???? Arghghgh just a vent.


cant win for losin's picture

I would just tell her honestly, with out going in to details, that it is just not working out. That taking on the extra kids is causing alot of commotion and disruption in your home. Tell her that you tried, and feel bad, but it isn't running as smoothly as you anticipated.

I am sure this mother has probably been told before her kids are a handful. I am assuming so because their own GM won't watch them.

Tell her your sorry, but such and such date will be the last day you can watch them. (try to give her at least a couple weeks in advance)

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

UGH! Sounds like skids!

One of my friends and I have been friends for 17 years. One day she asked me if I could watch her son for a couple hours while she went to a job interview. I said I would, no problem right? WRONG! This kid was unbelievable. He was running around in my parking lot screaming, trying to take other kids toys, getting in their faces, telling me every 5 mins he was hungry then I'd let him pick what he wanted and he'd take one bite and throw it on the ground (he did that like 3 times before I said no more) he was running through my house, out the back door, out the front door, letting the animals out, he stripped his clothes off and jumped in my kids kiddie pool which was gross cause I hadn't changed out the water yet. I can go on, this kid was just so obnoxious and I often compare him to the skids. Anyways, my friend called me to say she is running late, asks me if her son was being good. I said OH YES! He's just like a little angel! She seemed confused and said "what?!" I said no actually if you want the honest truth he's driving me nuts, he's not listening, he's being a complete gremlin and you must hurry up and get your ass back here and pick him up. She responds with "That's better, you had me scared for a second when you said he was behaving". So yes, she KNEW what her child was like before dropping her child off to me and I assume your friend is aware of her child's behavior as well.

AliceP's picture

This kid has a step mother too!!! And what ticks me off is his dad gets off work at 2:30 and every other weekend refuses to pick him up early. K broke up with her daughter's father because he was not good with the kids she said but now I know what the real problem was!!! Her daughter is a really good easy going baby, her oldest son 7 was here last week because he was sick and is a good kid too. The 5 yer old is horrible to his own mother too, pushes her around, he stole some chuck e cheese tickets from my kids and she told him to take it out of his pocket so he threw it on the ground and walked past her. I looked at her like, "at what point are you just gonna start smacking the hell out of him???" More than not wanting to do this for her anymore, i want her to have him evaluated, he needs some kind of therapy, can't really put my finger on what his issue is...I see a lot of parent teacher conferences in her future!