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Friday. It can be good for the soul.

ambrosiastorm's picture

I'd like to thank everyone (again) who commented on my post yesterday. You all gave me great advice and a ton to think about. Smile

Today has been bittersweet. I have had most of the day to myself. I traveled to my parents for a visit and learned that my Uncle, who has been fighting cancer for 3 years now, is being taken off the respirator tomorrow. I'm terribly sad for my Dad...who is taking it very hard...but my Uncle has suffered horribly and has been a coma for a week. It's been a really long struggle for the family and I just want to see him peaceful and without pain. Unfortunately, my plans for my Mom's birthday tomorrow has been put on hold and I know that her focus is being there for my Dad. Smile 58 years together, my folks. God love 'em.

The Diva is spending the night away from here this evening. *cheer* Tomorrow, she has a joint therapy session with BM. So, I'm expecting fireworks most of the day. I did state to FDH that if there is any problems like before (the therapist actually suggested an extra week here after their last joint session this summer) I will be staying at my parents for the week. My focus needs to be them. Not the drama here.

I hope all of you find time for a little peace this weekend: a cup of coffee, a good book, a warm hug. Smile