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in desperate need to make a decision

anagrace2013's picture

11 years ago I meet my bf he was going thru a divorce and in the mean time he impregnated his wife who later gave birth to their daughter who is now 10...We persuade a relationship after she turned 2 which is around the time our relationship was put to the test. Her mother accused him and my then 7 yr old of molestation. Mind you after 5 years of a lengthy divorce which I stuck by for this man. I went through hell because I loved him. Me and my son stuck around because we knew her mother was crazy and she was going to do anything to make us miserable. On top of all that his mom who hated his ex sided with her because she hated me and my forward to date...We had a beautiful baby girl who just turned one. I've had a rocky start with his daughter.she is very rude and very chattery and clingy around men only, my brother or brother in laws..and they are reluctant because no one wants to be accused of molestation, such a touchy subject because being accused by her and her mother has took so much trust away. Even to this day I tell my son just don't go by her. So now comes my part, I've been diagnosed with a brain tumor and will be having surgery in a couple weeks. Well out of my control it falls on her spring break with him and on her birthday date. . He is so upset about it he's made me feel guilty I have a brain tumor. Now after all these years of having his back I gave him an ultimatum me or her...He said my daughter, mind you we have a daughter together who is definitely never a cause for concern because I take care of her very well. But this little girl does not show him respect talks about him behind his back like he's an idiot, doesn't lift a finger. She's treated like the baby more than our baby we have together. She gets asked by people how do you like your sister? She says "she's not my sister", or "its really hard to explain I don't know" she's becoming a product of her mother. I fear she's up to something to hurt us now. I also found out his mother is in contact with her again. He disowned his sister for speaking with his mother, will he disown his daughter? No because she can do no harm to him but to myself and my kids yes. I'm just looking for a sign as to why I should stay on top of everything with my health and I told him she's not my responsibility I have my kids to raise. He takes her on his days but leaves her at home with me,doesn't really do much with her, so I said to him he's more harm to her than good if he's not present for her because I'm not her mother nor will I be. So he takes her to spite his ex to seem like a great father, because he's not to her I see it now. A little too late but I know our daughter has a good chance because I'm her mother and I've raised an outstanding son also. Besides that little girl would give two shits if I wasn't around. Oh by the way I do not want her to know about my surgery because those people will find out and get joy from it, probably even dance on my grave!


omgsaveme's picture

I am so sorry to hear this, and Im appalled at his attitude. You have a brain tumor and he acts like missing time with his daughter is the end of his world ???? That is shocking. I would make plans as if he is not around, do what you have to do for yourself and your children.