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SW2613's picture

We receieved a letter yesterday from the d.a.'s officer requesting that SS and Dh go meet with her on January 9 regarding a "pending criminal matter against Bm." Yaaaaay!!! Justice finally may be served!!! It looks like they may charge her with sexual battery, "touching the genitals of another without consent." The reason for this charge and not a more serious molestation charge is they couldn't prove intent to cause arousal to him or herself as he is only 7 and couldnt tell if either of them were aroused (even if he did, I don't think he'd say if he was). It finally looks like things are looking up for us and maybe soon, this whole nightmare will be over. All we want is to be able to just take care of SS and his special needs and give him a safe, good, happy life.

O/T: The 2yr old son of a friend of ours who has know dh since they were 4 is in the hospital for a large tumor on his kidney. The cancer started throwing off clots to the poor baby's heart, so they did surgery 2 days ago and he just got out of c.i.c.u. They think he's out of the woods with his heart. They are starting chemo and hoping to shrink the tumor so it can be removed. However, they think the poor baby may need to lose the kidney all together. Can you please send prayers, well wishes, good thoughts, hugs, or whatever you believe in to our little nephew? Thank you.


Anon2009's picture

Poor kids! You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

I hope BM gets her a$$ thrown away for good. I too am raising two girls who were sexually molested when they were little. BM didn't do it herself but she knowingly let it happen. The girls are doing great and are getting intensive help. Feel free to PM me if you want any advice or resources.