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Christmas will be....interesting

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH just told me he isn't giving his kids/skids ANYTHING for Christmas. Why not? DH is almost as broke as I am!

So no $$$ gift cards from the ATM, er, Daaaaadddeeeee. They will each get a gift bag of treats from the evil stepmother. Nothing more.


Indigo's picture

SGS's are getting a "Dop kit," shaving style kit filled with shampoo, deodorant, clippers, and such because they smell. One for each boy. They're older half-sib (SGD-13) requested help with it. Their BioDad asked not for toys for the boys but for shoes. Real shoes, not just Walmart shoes which blow-out quickly. My BS is going through his Nerf gun collection to rehome some for these younger ones. Something fun besides the practical gifts.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Indigo, if I hadn't gotten a thougtful variety of treats, the skids wouldn't get so much as a Tic Tac. This should chap some skid/BioHo ass.

Indigo's picture

Wicked bad. My BS, my SGD-13 and both SGS-7,10 should be very grateful. Thank you for giving a flip.

yolo222's picture

Don't feel bad about it. If you can afford any more than ohhhh well. They should all be understanding. Gift should not be expected. It's never a given that u will get gifts. :))). Hang in there!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh, yolo, I do NOT feel bad!! Not for the skids. I only try to ease DH's unhappiness about it. When you're broke, you're broke.

WalkOnBy's picture

"When you're broke, you're broke."

Life lesson number one, for sure.

I have lived through a time when I was unemployed, using food stamps to feed three kids at Christmas and even though they were used to having everything they ever wanted, they understood that that year was going to be a little lean. Those were the days when I was using my CS to pay the stupidly high mortgage, so at least we never had to worry about keeping the roof over our heads.

Sometimes the well runs until you think it's never going to stop and other times it's dry as a bone. Such is life.

I am glad you don't feel bad and I am equally glad that you are helping your man manage his unhappiness.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

WOB, I went through a period where I had to shuffle around bill payments and.... GO WITHOUT COFFEE!!!

Admittedly, part of me wants to offer to help out DH by offering to cook. After all, that's what I did in previous years. The second Christmas we were together (my first with skids), DH couldn't afford diddly. I'M the one who bought gifts, bought and cooked all of the food, cleaned the house. I'm so over the skids that I don't even feel like cleaning the bathroom sink.