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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday at last!!! The last two weeks - with the day off (holiday) on a Wednesday - messed with my head. I kept thinking Thursday was Monday and started to do several Monday tasks. Ugh. But this has been a loooooong week!

Eff off to:

  • DH's work. Once again, he has to work OT tomorrow due to the incompetency of another shift. WTH is wrong with management that they refuse to fire f*ck-ups? How many bloody chances do you give to people who continue to cost the business $$$$$ with their f*ck-ups??? Too lazy to do the job, cannot do the job, f*ck up the job....FIRE THEM. 
  • Swirling vortexes of negativity (humans) who thrive on pessimism and hate and are forever trying to SUCK IN others. There is something seriously wrong with you when you get off on all of your b!tching and whining and loathing. Why don't you channel that energy into something POSITIVE? Oh, so sorry. That would mean you got less attention. Get a damn life. 
  • Pseudo authorities. *I* know you don't know a damn thing about this subject. YOU know you don't know a damn thing about this subject. Yet here you are; nonsensically yammering on and on, like some deranged Chatty Cathy magpie, oblivious to the actual SMEs rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. Please go to the restroom and treat yourself to a swirlie.
  • And a YUGE Eff Off to cancer, which has infected yet another friend. DAMMIT!!!

Wishing you an enjoyable, stress-free weekend!


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Eff off to:

  • Having to replace my license becuase of that new Star ID thing, work will pay for it, but I have to drive AN HOUR to do it, on my time.
  • Being stressed about funding all this S*** in life
  • H not sending me money for rent. And when i tell him this he says "Well I sent it last month. Can't you use that?" NO I CANNOT.  I USED THAT FOR LAST MONTH. AND I ENDED UP USING MY CHRISTMAS BONUS THIS MONTH.  SO PAY ME DANGIT.
  • My Grandma not doing well but not having the funding or the time off work to go right now.
  • The effin cat that dips*** bought for the kids, who's TERRIFIED OF DOGS. Scratched me up becuase it heard a dog bark and tried to climb me. (of which I have two and H has one)


Positive though, got my super prized possesions out of the house Smile So that's a start.  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I admit it. Damn near every day, I find something to add to the crapcake pile of loathsome that is your H. He needs his scrotum waxed, followed by a fiery ghost pepper poultice. 

Prayers for your Grandma. xoxo

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

She's only got a few months left. I REALLY need to get there soon. She's on hospice, has cancer that spread and late stages of dimentia. Sad

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm so sorry, PA. Do what you need and get to her side. Prayers for comfort and peace. xoxoxoxo

queensway's picture

Eff off to texting...I think it is the worst type of communication.

Eff off to those dog commercials that make me sad every time I see them.

Eff off to people who lie.

Eff off to eating to much sh!t during the holidays. I need to get outside and walk and eff off to that today.

But on a positive note thank you Aniki for your blogs. You help us laugh!!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

One thing that sucks about texting is the expectation that you respond IMMEDIATELY.

My DH only carries his phone on his person when he's driving or out in public. He cannot carry one at work (grounds for termination). At home, it's usually in his work bag so he isn't disturbed during his much-needed sleep. I cannot tell you how many have griped to him about his delayed response to a text. He has not one f*ck to give about it. LOL!

Thank you, hon! xoxo

Steppedonnomore's picture

I received a very nice gift card from my bosses for the holidays.  Before I could use it, the funds had been spirited away.  

Fluff's picture

Eff off to incompetent, nitpicking arsehole managers - and why oh why do the effers end up getting promoted - oh yes that’s right - it’s because the minions (like me) sort their shit out!

eff off to coming second at interview to a moron with far less experience than me because she spent the last month brown nosing everyone - so I’m stuck temping. 

Love your blogs Aniki. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Or steal YOUR ideas as their own. I have fond memories of deliberately getting on a former boss's sh!t list. She tried to claim my hard work as her own. When the CEO asked for more info, she simpered sweetly that she'd have to look into it. I raised my hand and the CEO said, "Yes, Aniki?" I informed him I had all of the necessary research. "You do?? When did you do it?" "Shortly after I gave the initial research to Miss Simper." I started looking for another job shortly thereafter and left 4 months later. MY idea was implemented before I gave notice.

Thank you, Fluff! 

Thumper's picture

F off to CANCER is right. F off to Chemo--it's killing my sibling. I lost one to Leukemia years ago now another one is trying to hold on.

F off to anyone who writes OR speaks using one or two words. Example someone came up to me and said  "Entrance code". . Hey dingdong, is there a question in there somewhere. What has this world come to. Lately I am hearing and seeing this more and more.  WTH lol

Bm's who refuse to follow directions of the court AND get away with it.

I will leave it at that.

F off to an old friend I have known most of my adulthood,  who dumps about her life in strings of texts, then suddenly ghosts for weeks. SHe doesnt say HEY GOTTA RUN...she just disappears...WTH. My mouth is dropped on the floor. Thank God I am not the only one she does this to.

 Time for me to tell her it is not working for me any longer. see ya'








Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm so sorry, GL. That sucks in too many ways. {{{hugs}}} and prayers.

You should respond to those dingdongs in an equally baffling manner.
dingdong: Entrance code
GL: Nose mitten

That's annoying. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture


I hope you're getting that treated. Infections are scary; especially ones in the head. xo