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OT - Happy New Year!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Onnellista uutta vuotta!!!

That's "Happy New Year" in Finnish. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and less stressful 2019.

Back to regularly scheduled Tone-up Tuesday next week. Biggrin


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I hope everyone's 2019 is better than 2018.

Cover1W's picture

Yay New year!!!

I'm done with my first yoga of the year, putting up new calander and getting the darn tree put away.

Whoo hoo January! The days start getting longer!

Cover1W's picture

I've been doing yoga since 2001 or so.  I used to do it 3x a week or more when I was single and had a different job and I'm good if I get 2x a week, but no less than 1x.  I do a lot of other excercise and it keeps me flexible and my muscle strength good.  And every so often I do a session that reminds me of my back muscles (today!) or my sides/abs.  I love it.  It also slows my brain down so I can think.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My brain never slows down. It's like a hamster on a wheel whose had Death Wish Coffee and booger sugar.

DPW's picture

Bonne annee!

(and say NO to future Toneup Tuesdays after this holiday season...)

DPW's picture

Dude, I was gifted about 75 million plates of cookies over the holidays and I ate every single last one of them except for two, little-itty-bitty date squares (yuck - date squares!). I'm disgusting... *biggrin*

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Confession: I have a container of my favorite cookies (family recipe) that is hidden in the freezer behind the brussel sprouts because I am not about to share ONE with my DH.