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OT - Misanthropic Monday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Ever wake up and every little thing irritates you? That's me today. I had a crap night, tossed and turn for most of it, got about 2.5 hours of sleep and am crabby as phuq. If the right person crossed my path at the wrong time, I could easily blow my top. And that person comes in in another hour... Deep-breathing, stress balls, and coffee are not doing a damn thing. I am actually avoiding looking at people to avoid conversation. The office busybody has already been in my personal space, chattering about nonsensical shite until I played the Bathroom Card. I'm about to put on my headsets.

What do you do when you're at work and want to send off the professional vibe of "I'm swamped - please go away"? Yes, I AM swamped, as well as crabby. I can easily go all day long without speaking to one freaking person. Dash 1



Major Blunder's picture

That would be me on a daily basis, I have earbuds in almost all the time even if there is nothing comming through them.  I don't have work friends ( or non work friends for that matter ) so there is rarely any small talk, I only talk face to face if I don't have a choice, usually walk quickly and with intention so people don't try and stop me.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have a few work friends, but they are people with whom I USED to work. I do not consider any of my current teammates to be friends. Unfortunately, I've had 2 people come to my desk and they are both chatty. Annoying so - even on a good day. Argh.

DPW's picture

I'm feeling the same. I had about 3 hours of terrible sleep. I'm glad it's quiet this morning or I'd be having a hard time not showing my emotions on my face with those that annoy me. LOL

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The insides of my cheeks are geting raw from biting them. I'm afraid I'll break my Dammit Doll in half if I start using it...

beebeel's picture

I have perfected the RBF that sends the "leave me alone" message loud and clear. I can give you a tutorial later. Biggrin

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Pretty well every day... Even if I don't have a lot to do... I make sure I LOOK busy as possible and that I look super focused... It works like a charm... Most of the time people just leave me be...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

FFS, I had my headphones on, was banging away on my keyboard, and PITA #2 tapped on my damn shoulder. Diablo

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

What's wrong with your coworkers? That's literally the MOST obvious way to say "leave me alone!" that you could have gone with!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

OMFG, I just bloodied the inside of my mouth biting it. I just had my boss ask me if I've made updates to a system to which I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS. And she KNOWS THIS. She has been going around and around with the Access Gods for 6 bloody weeks. SHE is the last one to email them. On Thursday.

Obviously, I'm supposed to have some concentrated unicorn fart dust off of the Black Market so I can do these damn updates.


StepUltimate's picture

I have my boss deflect all staff when I'm on a deadline. Helps because then people don't hover atound waiting for me to get to their project. 

Grateful for my awesome job!

simifan's picture

Start coughing everytime someone comes ." near you. With a muttered, "I must be coming down with something." They'll scamper away quickly.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

LOL! Evil Aniki is tempted to eat eggs and Taco Bell and fog up her personal space with a.... gaseous anomaly!