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My 12, almost 13 yr old girl... Bless her heart.

Annanymous's picture

She has been complaining of "an intermittent up to 8 out of 10" rib pain "thats definitely the ribs"... that goes up and down randomly with no rhyme or reason, from 0, 3/4, 6, even 8...So I really get her to describe the "8" because to me, I am at the doctors and taking pills for an 8 and screaming in the ER at an 8.5 and I take Tylenol at a 6. She says "an 8 is when I want to just lay my head on my desk or might take a Tylenol".

SO, we are told maybe chostochondritis, infection good lord, pooor baby we send doctor notes to school and chart her pain every single day and write down her water intake and bowel and bladder habits... But, its STILL going on a month later. We have doctor appointments for her "intermittent rib pain". She has an X-ray today...

They saw air in her intestines around the area of her rib that she points to claiming "rib bone pain"...

She missed the whole semester of soccer and sat out in PE because SHE HAS TO FART. Yep. Fucking GAS. She has had to lay down sometimes at home and not do stuff, because of GAS...

Now, she had a "kidney stone" for two weeks that was imaged still inside her kidney...Ends up in the HOSPITAL last year for the kidney stone pain sooo bad...The doctor is baffled because the stone is not in the tubes or anything...They do CAT scan, MRI, x-ray, etc. They discover some air in her intestine in the upper area (about same place) with some feces stuck on the wall of the colon... Gave her Miralax and she was all better.

I swear, she is so damn..Just bless her little heart.

I cannot believe she got a month off gym and I spent $200 on soccer for her to sit out after only TWO GAMES...for fucking GAS.

This is the second time she has been "in mortal pain" and it ended up as FARTS and then when she is told its gas, its "oh, nevermind!" and bounces off. Just want to laugh my ass off. Seriously.

Now I get it, I have had those severe sharp colic gas pains -YES it is horrible, it did feel like a knife in my gut, but I was also able to tell it was air bubbles moving and not fucking BONE pain, and I had that horrible gas pain at 14 years old and I was a pretty stupid kid, and yet, I was capable of discerning air bubbles from fucking bone.


BSgoinon's picture

My daughter does the same thing. Now anywhere she hurts on her body, it could be her freakin elbow... I tell her to go sit on the toilet.

B22S22's picture

On a serious note.... when I was about 13, 14, somewhere around there I started having horrible pains on my right side. Not every day, and sometimes I could go months without having this pain. Up high, like gallbladder pain. X-rays showed nothing, back then they didn't do CT scans. Was observed in the hospital a couple of times, blood work was negative. Appendicitis was also ruled out. The pains continued intermittently until one night (I was about 20) they were SOOOOOOOOOOO bad I had to go to the ED. Same pains in the same place, right around and just beneath my right ribs.

Apparently I had an ovarian cyst the size of an apple. It was watched, and finally had to be aspirated via laparoscopy and I never had issues with it again.

StickAFork's picture

I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured, and I thought I was going to die.
I can't even imagine if it had been that big!

Annanymous's picture

This, and gas/bowel issues, were the two things I said I thought it might be since her biological mother has a strong history of multiple painful ovarian cysts. Still, I would rather take her in to be safe than sorry; I'd rather get an x-ray and have it be gas than not and have it be something bad.

Still though, I just had to LOL a little bit (without her seeing me LOL of course).

Now, I am still a bit worried that it is air in the peritoneal cavity and not actually in the bowel, but really hoping it is just actual gas. Will find out in a few days when we go back to the pediatrician.

stepmom23WV's picture

My SD8 does the same thing. BM and BMs mom have convinced her that there is something terribly wrong with her eventhough we have taken her to the doctor and they just tell us to give her Miralax.\
She gets mad because we don't baby here here like they do there, but she gets over it. We have tried to convince her that its not fun to be sick but she sees all the attention her mom and her grandmother get from being "sick" and "dying" all the time and I guess it looks appealing.

snoopyinoz's picture

So basically it boils down to she's fartipated. (and before I get the grammar police on my rear it's a made up word like constipated only different)

Annanymous's picture


dinni's picture

What kind of medical checks did you do to your daughter? You say it's the ribs but the doctor may think otherwise. My kid had some colon problems and complained of similar symptoms, he is on home colonic treatment now, nothing serious and he is getting better. My advise to you: do so medical checks, and do even the less obvious ones.