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K-TEL (dating myself) Introduces the Ultimate Collection of All Time Skid Hits. . .

Auteur's picture


"Where's MY dad?"
"Can we eat out?"
"I'm Bored!"
"What FUN things will we be doing?"
"Mom says. . ."
"I wanna go back to MOM'S!"

Who can forget:

"I want to call Mom!"
"At my Mom's we do it THIS way"
"I can't find it"
"Yuck I won't eat it/Yuck I don't like it!"
"Can't flush this"

And the timeless:

"Where are my clothes?"
"Where are my socks?"
"Where are my shoes?"
"Spongebob/ICarly's On!"
"What are you doing?"

You can't get this in stores, so order NOW!!


Auteur's picture

BONUS soundtrack:

"Remember when mommy and daddy. . ." (Sung by 3 year old Priscilla, whose parents broke up 3 and half years ago)

beyond pissed-off's picture

Don't forget the oldie but goodies:

"You just want my daddy's money."
"I don't know who spilled the soda on the couch."
"By Sunday afternoon the junkfood is always gone. You need to buy more next time."

And my personal favorite -

"I hate you! Now take me to the mall - I want to go shopping!!"

Auteur's picture


"Dad doesn't pay for a thing--Mom can't afford it" (Sung by 10 year old Junior using the karaoke app on his iphone 4s)

cant win for losin's picture

And if you act now, we will throw in a psycho bm for FREE!
Thats right folks, we said Free! Dont pass this free offer by, this psycho is GUARANTEED to bring drama like youve never seen before. Drama to wrong the rights! Drama to test the VERY foundation of your marriage. Drama to test your own sanity.
And for an extra 9.99 we can throw in two baby momma's!
Thats right, double your fun. Double your drama.

Lalena75's picture

I'm lucky I only hear "I want to call moooooommmmmyyyyy! I wannnna gooo home" when they get in trouble (we don't let them, she wouldn't answer anyway, and SO reminds them when they are with us that is home for the time) and "what are you doing?" (I and SO love to respond it's none of your business.) Have to say when it comes to kids behavior we both have similar ideals and values on parenting. But so sick of the mommy whine when they get in trouble it's only cause she lets them do whatever they want.

snoopyinoz's picture

Let's not forget the bonus tracks of BM crazy including hits such as
I'll see you in court!
I can do no wrong!
Where's MY child support?
Your check is LATE!
and the number one smash hit,
I need more money honey!

Auteur's picture

I get the "one hit wonder" by GG:

"Although you support me financially which I'll never admit to, I've put you in the BEST financial situation of your life; without me you'd be gutter trash."


skylarksms's picture

"I will do what I want because I AM THEIR MOTHER"

followed by the sequel

"Do you know what kind of trouble YOUR CHILD got into today?!?"

sasha101's picture

"Daaaaaaaaad, what's for dinner"
"Daaaaaaaaad, how long till dinner"
"Daaaaaaaaad, can I have...... (insert various items of junk food here)"
"Daaaaaaaaad, I'm hungry"
"Daaaaaaaaad, he (brother) hit me/called me a name etc etc", accompanied by pouting, whining and snivelling.
"Daaaaaaaaad, he (brother) won't let me do XYZ"
"Daaaaaaaaad, when's it my turn", and then when told five minutes then it's:
"Daaaaaaaaad, is five minutes up yet", every 30 seconds

Please note: "Daaaaaaad" is usually said in the most whiney, irritating voice imaginable.

Grrrrr.... don't you just love it!!!