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Things have been going GREAT!!!!

baseballgirly's picture

If anyone has read my blog before, you know this is out of the ordinary. Want to know what's different??? We do completely separate things on the weekends he has his kids!! I stay away, I get them tickets to something far away, I go shopping or work late until after they are in bed and let me tell you I have never been happier in this relationship!!!

If he coddles his children or doesn't follow up on their personal hygiene, I don't know about it so there is no fight!!

I know it's not the perfect answer, but when it comes down to selling the house and breaking up versus doing separate activities for a weekend, we chose this. I won't go back to spending time with them. I still can't stand being around them, so this really is the only solution and it's working so far!!!

I was very blunt with SO and he was quite understanding. He agreed to keep the kids away if I was home or let me know if they'd be home so I could find something else to do.

No relationship is perfect. It's all about what you can do to make it work. And by golly, I think we've found it!!!

I still know they are gross and dirty and eat fast food for every meal, but if that's how he's choosing to raise his kids, I won't get in the way. They are not my kids and I refuse to shed one more tear over them and the way he does things with and for them. He wants fat kids that pick their noses and don't shower or wash their hands, go for it. They won't be invited to any of my own families events and activities and I have no problems telling him why. I won't have them over for anymore holiday dinners in sweatpants. He can either dress them up or leave them with BM.

I think I've finally achieved "Disengagement"!!! FEELS GREAT!!!


marty15's picture

If I didn't have my own bio at home, and Skids weren't here 50%, I would do this very same thing. Glad to hear you found some relief!

Tissy113's picture

Good for you!! I'm jealous. I'm all about the disengaging, but my SO still has this rainbows and butterflies idea that we can be a family. Um, maybe when your kids learn manners and aren't so whiney, lazy and clingy. We have a 3 year old, and she's loves her brother and sister, and they're very loving with her. Although I wonder how'd they'd be if I wasn't around. I try to make as many plans as I can for my daughter and I, but damn it my SO catches on! I wish he'd see that on those occasions when he does let me check out, everything is better.

baseballgirly's picture

BE HONEST! Tell your SO that is the way it's going to be and that's that. I was totally honest with my SO and though it most certainly hurt for him to hear it, it was totally disengage or break up. Our relationship isn't about being a big happy family. His boys have that with their Mom where they live full time.