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Todays rant will consist of an entitled SO of all things!

baseballgirly's picture

If it's not one thing, it's another. I know that. It's the way life goes.

SO has been keeping his word and taking his kids out and doing things. However, he is taking it a little too far. He takes them out from the time they wake up right up until bedtime! I work from very early in the morning until early afternoon. So I don't even get home until 1 or 2pm most weekends. He could stay home until then. What's the difference you ask?? He has been doing absolutely nothing around the house now!! He works throughout the week and the weekend is when he would do his share. We both work fulltime, have no kids together and make roughly the same amount of money... so there is no stay at home anyone or anyone that owes more in housework because the other contributes more financially. We're still working to finishing the renovations on this house (there is always something to do). He hasn't been doing squat!! He did the dishes that he and his kids made this weekend and pushed our laundry out of the way so he could run a load of strictly kid stuff to bring it back to their house with them. WTF??

I've also been having quite the issue with SOs "scatterbrainedness". It's not cute. Not cute at all. He's been forgetting stuff a lot. I have never been so annoyed at someone in my life!! How do I love someone that has been driving me soooo crazy!!?!?!???

THEN when it comes to us spending money, mine is always easy for him to spend!! If we go out, he won't reach for his wallet. Ever. He has no problem at all letting me pay for everything if I offer. He takes his kids out to eat for every meal. Maybe he feels in his mind that that is a form of "fair".

I did not know what I was getting into as most people on this site suggest. I hate every aspect of a "blended family" and wish on the brightest star that I had never gotten into this situation!!

I feel ripped off in life. I feel like my life has less meaning because his kids are sooooo important. I feel that because I hate his kids so much that I am slowly and surely loving SO less and less all the time. I never imagined this would be my life. I am negative and focus on the negative because to save my life I can't think of one single positive thing that comes out of this!! Not one bloody positive thing!!

If I ever get the courage/guts to leave, I will never ever ever ever ever even look at a guy that has kids ever ever ever again!!

Stupid fat, lazy, sweaty, gross kids. God they're gross.


SW1403's picture

I know how you feel - sometimes I feel totally ripped off in life, for coming second and not first. Its so hard. But these feelings hopefully will pass - they did for me, after a little while. If the don't maybe a blended family is something to rethink, as you said. If you don't like his kids, why choose a life where they'll always be a part of it? They're in his life, no matter what. Imagine how hard it would be for them having a SM who can't stand them? Maybe you two do need some time off. Good luck with everything, these feelings are so hard to sort out and figure out what you want to do. Your heart plays tug-of-war in two different directions sometimes. I hope things get better for you!