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My parent's have opened up a can of worms I don't think they wanted to...

bclagirl's picture

Quick history. Bf and I have been dating for over 1-1/2 years, living together for 1. We talk about the future and marriage. He has 2 kids, 13G and 9B, they are "our kids" to him. They live far away, so he gets them during the summer and alternating major holidays. I love his kids, they love me, we have a great relationship. My parents don't like my bf. Too much baggage with the kids, he comes from a poor family, he is in the military and will retire soon but they look down on him for not having a real job, not making a lot of money, etc. How do I know this? Well, my 9y/o brother told me that's what they say. That he really does not love me and is after my money (actually the inheritance I will get from my dad). This is utter and total bullshit. I have yet to confront my parents about this.

My dad and step mom have two boys, 12 and 9. Last summer, we introduced the two sets of kids and they got along very well and became friends. My 12yo brother has asked me starting in February when the skids were coming back and as soon as the kids got her, ss was asking about when he could see my brothers. It was like pulling teeth to get my family to commit to a dinner where the kids could hang out. Then I tried to work out dates with with step mom when they would be home to let the kids hang out, but she conveniently forgot to tell me when they were home, but posted pics on facebook of the boys swimming and such.

So when it came to when the kids had to go back to BM, it was sudden because BM decided to change the dates, I emailed both my dad and step mom, told them the kids were leaving Sunday and we were having people over Friday to say goodbye and also celebrate SS's bday early. They said they had work to do in another town where they have business and said they could not come. OK, that is fine. I was a little upset that the kids got no time to spend with each other, but nothing I could do then. For some reason, my dad decided he had to call me after the email to tell me why they could not come, which annoyed me. I don't need an explanation. Told him again in the phone conversation that bf was leaving Sunday to take kids back (he demands to drive them).

Sunday was really hard, I hate saying goodbye. When I am sad like that, I tend to sleep, so I was sleeping off and on. My cellphone rings, it was my dad. Then my step mom. I checked the voice mails, they were inviting us to come to their lake house. Then I got a text from my step mom, "Do y'all want to come out to the lake house". Are you freaking KIDDING me?!?!?! I responded to her text "I told you both in the email and told dad on the phone Thursday, the kids left to go home today. Please leave me alone." Then I got one back of what did we do to you, why leave you alone? Grr..

I have ignored them completely since. Got a lovely email from my dad, cc'ing step mom of how they are sorry they upset me, they had to work and could not come...blah blah...then "Maybe we should talk about what we all feel should be expected from us with regard to bf's children so that no one has an expectation that can't be met."

So, now I am contemplating how to respond. I am not asking for anything other than honesty and respect. If you don't want skids and my bros to be around each other, tell me. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is you telling the kids "you are welcome here anytime" and not mean it. I am beyond fed up with them right now. The last 1-1/2 year has been hard on my relationship with my parents because they don't like my bf and now, they are hurting innocent children because of their attitudes. Not just my skids but my brothers also who want to hang out with the skids. Are the skids bad, no. Are they a bad influence on my bros, no. They come from a broken home, just like I did. You would think my step mom would have some compassion, but I think she is fueling it. She stopped talking to me and involving me shortly after I started dating bf.

How about let's talk about what our expectations are of me. I am a 31 year old adult in a committed relationship with a very good man that has two kids from a previous marriage. We have a life together and if you want to be part of it, that's great. If not, its your loss.

UGG!! I am just so frustrated.


Invisiblestepmom14's picture

If that's the case, my husband is going to be pretty pissed he hasn't worked a real job in 13 years!! LOL Blum 3

My parents are happy DH is in the military, they just wished we could live closer to them. Sad

I completely agree with "th3ladyb"!! It takes time for families to accept skids, it took my family a little bit but they are now very accepting of them.

Maybe when you're married it will be different?

bclagirl's picture

Bf has 22 years and will retire in 2 years. I am proud of him and what he's dedicated his life to!

bclagirl's picture

Yeah, apparently not. He is a Master Sergent in the Airforce, and is Flight Chief for his flight. But no, that is not good enough.

My dad has worked very hard my whole life and has elevated his social and financial status. My step mom has been with him for the last 18 years or so, helping a little but riding his coat tails mostly. Him and my step mom are snobs and look down on normal people...even though that's what they were 20-30 years ago themselves.

I did not grow up with the money he has now and if that's the way people are with that money, I don't want it either. I make a good living, so does my bf, we are comfortable and happy. That's what matters to me. My parents don't get it.

Oh, I forgot to mention my mom in all of this. She is WONDERFUL! She loves the skids, spends time with them and they love her. My dad's mom even accepts the skids and wants to spend time with them.

For a step parent and a father of step kids, you would think they would be more understanding and accepting.

Invisiblestepmom14's picture

Your BF makes a good living! My DH is a Tech Sgt in the AF as well! I know what a Master Sgt makes and that is nothing to snub your nose at! We might not be able to buy extravagant things but we don't live in the poor house with that pay!

Your dad and stepmom should be happy you have a man in your life that is willing and able to hold down a job (a real job!!) and be supporting his kids!

If they don't want to be involved with BF and skids, its their loss! You enjoy your time with them and let the mean people go. Smile