what is wrong w the in-laws???
okay so heres some background:
my BIL has 3 kids to his ex-wife and 1 daughter to his current wife. they have his kids on opposite wkends we have SD3. most of the family functions are planned for days when they have the kids, bc there are 3 of them and they do the celebrations at their house since its bigger than ours, and most of the time, due to the size of their family, the celebration is for one of them anyway, so naturally they would do it on wkends they have the kids.
today, SIL emails DH and i about xmas. she gives us the list of what the kids want, asks what my SKs want, and mentions a day to do the xmas gift exchange. asks if we will have SD. for those of u who dont know, we have custody of SS15 to DHs ex wife, they also have a S20 who lives on his own, and DH has SD3 to an ex-gf (the crazy BM i always talk about here). i mention that the date she proposes will work fine, we wont have SD that wkend but the following wkend is no good to move it to bc we will be out of town visiting my family in PA. (also would not work for them bc they will not have the 3 kids.) so that date would seem best option for everyone. she emails back and answers some questions and then says: "DH, would BM mind if we watched SD for u while u were away? we all miss her so much and we could take her to ur moms so she could spend some time w her too. not trying to cause trouble (um, okay) but we would love to spend time w her."
now, DH and i are baffled by this for several reasons: first of all, its not our fault that family functions happen when we dont have SD. its not as if we purposely have them when she is not w us. the email just drips w the insinuation that we dont bring her around the family enough. second, BM is not someone we can reason w. they dont have the relationship that we ask each other for favors. why? bc we have gotten BURNED in the past for it. either BM says no or will make us "pay" for the favor. so we stopped asking. we have a limited visitation, EOW only, and dont make a huge deal out of the holidays. for example, if we have her the wkend that a holiday follows, we just wait and celebrate w her then. she is w BM most of the time. maybe not good for some, but it works for us, especially considering the circumstances under which she was conceived (basically as a trap by BM) and everything that has happened since. BIL and SIL KNOW THIS, especially bc the last time we asked for a favor from BM on switching days it was bc of their kid and it led to the situation we have now where we cant ask for favors. thirdly, BM is a crazy beyotch. she never was involved w DHs family when they were together. she would take SD to her family and DH would bring SD to his...alone. they have had problems w BM and know what all she has done to us in the past year. its not as if they ever had a relationship w her that there is a history and would feel comfortable dealing directly w her. so why would they want to deal w her directly and take SD rite from BM?? fourth, they never ask us if they can see SD...so its not like we are holding her hostage away from them.
i know they just want to see her bc shes family and bc their daughter probably wants to play w her too BUT COME ON. i cannot believe they would even ASK us to ask that crazy witch for such a favor, and leave it up to them to deal w in our absence. so DH responds, (per my suggestion ;)): we dont get into that w her (BM). we have learned the hard way that we cannot do that kind of stuff w her. we will set something up for another time when we have(SD).
DH is so pissed. he knows that they know about the situation and cannot even believe they would ask such a thing. i am baffled too. its one thing to want to see SD more, but its quite another to suggest such a ridiculous thing. and "we all miss her so much"??? she is 3 and was never an active part of their family. i know its sad, the whole situation is, but it is what it is and we do the best we can. but its not like she was ever around much to miss, u know? the situation is handled but we are still kinda annoyed that she would even ask such a thing of us, knowing all of the above. grrrrrrr.
- bellacita's blog
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im afraid my situation will become like yours someday
i always fear that when we have a child, his family wont show as much interest and will still prefer SD. time will tell, so no use worrying about it until it becomes an issue. how sad for u and ur child that ur in laws are like that. their loss totally. too bad ur baby has to miss out on one set of g-rents, but it doesnt seem like a huge loss, given their actions.
the excuse mine use is that shes the youngest and that they never see her...well thats a two way street too.
u said it exactly...they know we have her EOW and havent asked to see her AND they know how crazy BM is, so SHAME ON THEM for asking is rite. i just cannot get over the fact that she asked that, knowing all the problems we have had w her.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
i understand BLM
ur rite...ur daughter isnt missing out...THEY ARE. its very sad. makes u wonder why, huh?
my DH says its just bc they dont see her much and bc she sthe youngest (rite now) and that they will be all over our baby when we hav eone. i hope hes rite. bc like i said, im away from my family and id hate to not have a relationship w my in laws, esp living so close.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Obssessed inlaws....
Sounds familiar...My Step Brat is also known as "The Golden CHild" because DH's family act as if she is God incarnate in the flesh...They are obbssessed with the child to a point that is just sick and scarey...They have even gone so far as to try to kidnap her about
7 years ago...Everything, to them, is always all about "The Golden Child"...They have always expected me to just throw my bio children on the back burner and revolve my life around this little snot...And those people are a fat part of the reason that Step brat is such a brat..His parents and siblings treat my two girls and mine and DH's son age 6 like they don't even exists...Our son is their own "flesh and blood" and they either totally ignore his existance or treat him like he is crap to be scrapped off the bottom of the Golden CHilds shoe... Our son and my two girls don't even rate a free email card or a 2 dollar hall mark card and a postage stamp on there birthdays..But they would all turn the "Golden CHilds" birthday into a national holiday of worship onto her if they could..
As a result they have had NO contact, pictures, relationship, or interaction with ANY of our children. They havn't seen or spoken to "The Golden Child in 6 years..And had limited to not contact with her 3 years before they were cut off entirley...She is 12 now and they have no idea what she even looks like or our son for that matter. DH has nothing to do with his family..The only time they even try to make contact with us is always around "The Golden CHilds" birthday...We just ignore their attempts because we know what they are really after...
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. disgusted
B - I read your post and I got a flashback on what my FH has been going through. I'm so glad that your DH stood his ground. This is what happened to my FH's family 10 years ago. One of the SIL wanted to see SD then 5 and asked my FH if it was okay and he said okay fine cuz he was out of town and the crazy BM is now a family member and my FH and I are on the outs. NO NO and HELL NO. Unless you and your DH are bringing SD over then too bad soo sad they will just have to wait to see here. I can see the BM you are dealing with pulling some kind of stunt or showing up at the in-laws house and they will be nice to her because of the kid and she would probably stay there and chit chat. OMG. Straighten that SIL out now. I think DH should make his point again.
lol ema!!
i completely agree. DH said he had half a mind to call his brother and tell him off but he said he will tell them ONE LAST TIME about stuff like this and next time it comes up he will go off.
DHs family told him when they first met her that she was trash and get away before she ruined his life...too bad he didnt listen...ugh....i digress. they know what shes like BUT i could see her going over there and being fake pleasant and god knows what would happen then, just like u said. they obviously have no respect for DH or his feelings now to even suggest such bs. we are just stunned...never would we have figured them to be so insensitive and plain stupid about the situation.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Bella......don't even get me started
on inlaws... er well outlaws!
Mine are terrible! When Dh and I first got married, MIL insisted that I was keeping SD's from her. I wasnt, BUT that's what she insisted was going on. So, to make the peace, I would call and ask her to keep them for a day or a night...whatever. Turns out, she was always tooo busy! My inlaws are wretched! I cant even believe people like these exist on this planet!
Over the years, she has completely ruined the relationship she had with Dh. He no longer will even speak to her. She hates me, so she says that our boys are not her grandchildren b/c they have my blood in them....WTF? She's barking mad!!!!
unless they are livin it....
Inlaws have no idea what you really go thru. My skids were like celebrities when I first came along, for a while, and now that my MIL has to deal w/ BM one on one to see the skids, they all finally "get it". And the skids are getting older, so their behavior is not as "excused" as it used to be. That is great that your DH stood tall, and told them to deal with it themselves, if they really miss her, and want to have her, they can go to the "source". "~waiting on the world to change~"