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Yes! I finally got called-Ladies and Gents-I now have a job!

bewitched's picture

I am so excited right now I can hardly contain myself! The hosptial called and offered me the receptionist job.

I was honestly beginning to think that I was unemployable...but no more. I think this will be a totally awesome job, working as a receptionist for all the specialists who fly in. And I'll be working around enough medical terminology to keep what I learned in A & P fresh.

The only downside I see is that it's part time. 25-30 hrs/week. But hey, you gotta start somewhere. That really doesn't faze me too bad, as I know people move and leave and full time positions open up.

I feel like I'm finally on the road to getting my life back. Smile


Tara12's picture

YES! YES! YES!!!!!! BW I am so happy to come home and read this! Get comfy in your job get your money and throw that worthless H to the curb!!!! YEAH!!!!

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

OMG, I am so excited for you :). You can now finally see that light and the end of the tunnel.

You have become such a strong woman these last few months and I can just see that this job is going to be the first step in taking back control of your life.

You have been wanting this for so long, I'm so happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Gonna go put Hawaiian Sup'pa Man on & have a tequila!

I think I start Monday. The HR Supervisor called and told me, but needs to talk to the department head for a firm start date. First I have to go in and fill out a bunch of paperwork, get a TB test, and a couple of shots (ouch). They'll call me in the next couple of days.

Rags's picture


You are a testament to tenacity and confidence.

Great job.

This ought to get DH's panties in to a wad and let him know that he needs to get his proverbial shit together or he is outa there!

Best regards,

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

H, of course, was not thrilled. Because they did not offer me the big bucks full time position. But it was filled by someone already employed there, so I'm not letting him bring me down.

Since it is part-time for now, I'm going to start looking at some online Med. Terminology courses. My first paycheck should cover that expense, and then, who knows where this could lead.

Thank you all for your support.

I'm sure H is just trying to bring me down because my own paycheck=my avenue to independence, and he will no longer be all puffed up thinking he can call all the shots in my life.

But he will not bring me down-I'm more excited about this than I've been in a very long time.

melis070179's picture

I am going to have a glass of wine to celebrate! Thanks, I needed an excuse Wink Seriously though, this is awesome news...this could lead to big changes for you!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Last Nerve's picture

All those good thoughts going your way paid off!!
I'm very happy for you girl!

Sasha's picture

I can't tell you how happy I am for you!!!!!!

Now send me some of your great vibes because


I still can't find a job Sad

And tell H to sod off!

Zimka's picture

good vibes and lots of positive thoughts. Its hard to find work at the moment:(

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Honestly, I've been to so many interviews, filled out so many applications, talked to the Work Force center every single week, searched websites, papers, ... it's never been this hard before. You'll get something. I just know it.

Your turn, gf.

Sita Tara's picture

Your life is about to take OFF!

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I

Ascoolasiam's picture


secondwife20's picture

I knew that you would get this job... just knew it!

I understand that it's part time, but like you said... it's better than not having a job! Smile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you, girl.

justwantpeace2's picture

Congratulations! I hope that it turns out to be a truly wonderful job and that you enjoy going to it every day!

Endora's picture

You got a job in this economy-you certainly ARE employable! Congratulations!!!!!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

kaffonseca's picture

My mom started a temp. part time job in the medical field a few months ago and withing a few weeks they offered her a full time permanent job!

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

Brooklynne's picture

I am so happy for you!! This job is getting you one step closer to reclaiming your independence and your life!! This is awesome!

SoFrustrated's picture

Yay yay yay!!! Who knows, maybe the hospital will help with tuition if it is job related! Good going girl!

BridgingTheGap's picture

You've been trying so hard and I'm glad to see that it finally paid off. Congratulations on regaining your life and independence back.

belleboudeuse's picture

This is such great news. Congrats on getting your life back!


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

October8's picture

when do you get started?

One can only hope!

DISbelief's picture

Congrats! That is GREAT NEWS!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Most Evil's picture

You will be fantastic and no one deserves it more-!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Stick's picture

Congratulations girl!! Best wishes on your new job and the exciting opportunities that await you!