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A dog that bites.

bi's picture

in a conversation with someone about my sd, i came up with a perfect analogy for her. this person was telling me i need to completely ignore sd, because even negative attention is attention and she feeds off of it.

"i definitely don't care. i stopped caring a long time ago. now i'm just annoyed at her antics to make sure i'm reminded of her existence, as if i need a reminder. i'm working really hard on accepting something that is unacceptable to me. she is a rotten person and that is all there is to it. i'm tired of trying to figure out why. she is what she is and rather than try to make her see it, i need to just accept it and stay away. like a dog that bites. leave it alone, ignore it, stay away from it. don't try to be nice and pet it. it doesn't care that you are being nice, it will still bite. any attention at all leads to being bit. even if it nicely eats something out of your hand, as soon as the "gift" is gone, it will bite you again."

that is a damn good analogy for sd!


Buzybee82's picture

absolutely true!!! love it!!! that and "friends don't let friends become step parents" (thanks orange co!!!)

bi's picture

i'm not at all suggesting that anyone accept bad treatment out of skids (or anyone). i won't accept that, either. i'm just working on accepting that sd is an asshole, period. no need to try to dissect her behavior and figure out why she treats me as she does. she's just an ass. she would treat any woman in fdh's life this way. i'm learning to not take it personal. i won't put up with her being an asshole to me, that's why she's blocked from contacting me in any way except face to face. but i'm not gonna waste any more time wondering wth i did to make her want to be this way. i didn't do anything. she is just this way. she would be this way if i kissed her ass and made her the center of my universe like she thinks i should, and she would be this way if i really was evil and treated her as bad as she thinks i do. no matter what, she will just suck. forever.