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NCP let insurance lapse on bios without a word

Biomomof2's picture

Went to fill BSs OCD meds this morning. No insurance. I pay out of pocket. Of course, I'm a little biase because I'm talking about myself here but I have been pretty laid back. Only every had BF cover his cost once. BS had to get an expander to prepare for braces. I have since added kids to my dental as well so out of pocket costs have all but disappeared. Was told by court and CS that I can actually Bill BF for the insurance I provide to keep costs down. I have never done that. Nor have I ever followed the court order and put together 3 months of costs and billed him. He is behind on child support by months... And because I can afford the costs I pay I don't see the point other then billing him just because. It will cause my kids issues and is not worth the head ache.
Sooo now on top of not paying CS in full ever. Not once since the order was made, has only been billed by me once for costs, never providing half of school events ( like science camp that cost with everything DD needed $700 this past April) never billing him for sports or karate like I am court ordered to do, he has let insurance lapse. This doesn't look good. Luckily for a different issue regarding custody I just hired an attorney so now we will fix this as well.
BFs like this give really dads a bad name


No saint's picture

Even if you can pay for all these things, I believe that the father must be held accountable at all times when it comes to raising his children; that includes bills.

Biomomof2's picture

I do agree. I didn't create these kids on my own, why am I raising them and paying for everything ??? BF doesn't even have an ounce of interest in the kids lives outside of him.

thinkthrice's picture

I too was in the same boat. First husband (my daughter's father) actively tried to escape CS and would change jobs like people change their underwear to keep me running. I finally gave up and would NEVER put my bios on any health insurance of his. Too unreliable and unstable! I paid for everything and always had them on my health insurance policy.

Same thing with second husband (my son's now deceased father). He immediately went on welfare when we split up (as did first husband until he started dating again) No chance of CS let alone health insurance from him.

SecondGeneration's picture

Like you say, its men like him that gives dads a bad name. Yet there are mothers that do the same and/or worse yet the courts still remain biased.

Fingers crossed you get what you need in court.