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SD11 needs braces so more issues!!!!!!

bekkah2224's picture

SD11 needs braces. Ok. DH's insurance will take care of half the cost and per court order BF and BM split the other half. Ok not a problem. Yeah right. We all go to first appt to get braces put on. We pay BF's half of "down payment". BM does all the paperwork and signs the contract. BM tells BF that monthly payment are $80 so they each are to pay $40. We saw none of the paperwork, contract, nothing. All BF was told was how much to pay and don't be late. We have made 2 payments so far and we have still not seen a bill. We called the ortho to get this but we were told that they could not provide BF with this because he was not the one to sign the contract. Only BM can have this info. It doesn't matter that it is BF insurance paying for half and court ordered for him to pay half of what insurance does not pay. WTF!!! I thought he had equal rights to this!!! Right now we have no idea how long these payment are for. Total of what BF owes. Nothing. She will not supply bill. Othro will not supply bill to BF. Nothing in mail from insurance company as of yet. What can be done about this??? Should he be paying without seeing a bill??? Keep in mind that the BM is EVIL!!!! }:)


Dawn-Moderator's picture

you know that sd really got the braces since you were there. So that's good. My ss just recently got braces and his were $3975 I think. The average length of time for braces is two years. You should be getting something from the insurance on how much they paid of the total but you won't get the info on the balance unless the ortho supplies it.

Maybe if you brought the court papers to show the ortho office that you are allowed to see this info, they will back down.


BMJen's picture

states that he has to pay half, it should also say that he has access to that information. I would remind her of that and let her know that if she doesn't hold up her end you and your DH won't be holding up yours.

SM#1's picture

give us a copy of the bill or I am not making anymore payments. I would guess that you each owe around $1,000 each. That would be 2 years of payments for each of you, quite a long time IMO. Or like Dawn said, bring in the court order thats says you have the right to the info....I think that they would take you seriously then.

BM what a witch!! She can't give you a copy of a bill YOU are responsible for! Boy I thought my SDs BM was bad.......

The Principlist's picture

BD had braces when she was younger. We had double insurance coverage so out of pocket we paid $1200 down from $3k.

Fast forward to now, both Skids need braces because they were and still are thumb suckers. SD does not want them and refuses to have them done. Great, we are not going to force it. SS on the other hand wants them. Fine. BM should pay CS, but pays nothing. DH and I have double insurance and he will get an additional credit for military. So we are left with $3k out of pocket rather than $6k. BM and DH have agreed to split half. Technically DH could be an ass and require BM to pay extra since it is his military service that received the extra $300 deduction as a "military hero." DH decided he is not going to be petty and argue the issue that we would just split the $3K down the middle. DH does not want to do the payment option, he would prefer to pay everything up front because the payment option would just be a nightmare with BM. DH has already postponed the first appointment from November to next week as BM said she needed until now to have her portion. Since the skids cell phones are off (gift from BM that she pays) since before Christmas it is highly unlikely that BM will have $1500 to payher portion. That being said, DH said that he would cancel the appointment again. We foresee, as with most things concerning BM, that she talks a good game, but when it comes time to putting her money where her mouth is, she can't do it. We will not go into a contract for the braces because to do so would mean us paying the full portion when we've already given BM more leeway than the average person would.

If I were you guys, I would not make another payment until I receive a copy of the contract. We gave BM a copy of the contract so that she could actually see what was going on. If your BM is wanting to get further payments from you for the braces, she should be more than willing and forthcoming in providing the necessary paperwork. How silly is that, everyone expects payment, but no one feels it is necessary to show you what and for how long. I'm sure that if you held out, maybe put the payments in a separate account until you get the necessary paperwork, BM would eventually have to cave. Afterall, SHE signed the contract. In order to force your DH to make a payment she would need to go to court at which point he can state that he has been asking for a copy of the paperwork and she is not complying. He would then have the money set aside to make the missed payments. I can't imagine any judge not being able to understand where he is coming from and forcing BM to comply.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

Sita Tara's picture

Our pmt will be at least 240 a month for 2 years, so I'm jealous of 80 bucks! BUT that's beside the point.

I agree with those above. The Dr's office doesn't have to send you the bill (as a matter of fact thank crazy HIPPA laws that have tied their hands on this.) BUT BM does. She should be making the whole payment, then you reimburse HER after receiving the itemized bill from her showing what the total pmt was and then you can pay the percentage back to BM by check. I would also tell her you need to get a copy of the contract before you start paying as well. If she signed the contract only, then she's the only one liable as far as the Dr's office is concerned (that's likely why she is stingy in showing it.) But the contract between the Dr's office with a patient is totally separate from the court agreement so she shouldn't concern herself that you'll think any paperwork that she signed acknowledging she is ultimately responsible to them, has anything to do with you guys paying her per court order.

Although now that you mention it, we already decided we will not be getting braces for SD until BM goes in and signs her own contract with the Dr's office that she will pay her portion of the braces, and they will collect from her. Will the Dr's office bulk and HATE the idea? Yes. Is it our right to make them bill BM her portion? Yep. And Dr's offices better get with the times and realize that's the way it's gonna be with the rise in divorce/blended families. I know they will say they can't do it. But surprise! They CAN- they do similar billing for secondary insurances so they CAN.

Sorry... that's my own little cause I'm working on.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

frustratedinMA's picture

Ask Crayon how this can burn you.. Tell her your not making another payment until you see the contract that she signed.. Since SHE signed it, the dr's office cant come after you two, just her.. so she will either have to give it to you to see that the payments are infact what she is charging you, OR pay it all herself.

I think I know what she will be forced to do. Dont get stuck like Crayon's man w/a HUGE overpayment.

Never Ending's picture

Why do they do this??? I would start a paper trail, send BM emails requesting to see the Ortho contract,.,Inform BM that the Ortho office would not share information. You have every right to know.
Send BM a certified letter, dont bother making calls, she can deny it in court....

You need a papertrail because if you refuse to stop payments she can take you to court and in court your going to have to prove you requested information regarding payments.
Let her know that your are documenting everything. I would even get a letter from Ortho where they state that they cannot share information because H is not on the contract

She is being manipulitve and sneaky. Let her send you an email or letter back saying NO...
Ive been there,,, 98percent that H is not even listed as emergency contact on Ortho docs
Start a papertrail and the day she wants to take you for not will be well prepared...
Good Luck

Never Ending's picture

BM has to pay first and provide you with a pair receipt..and you reimburse her..

"NO tickey NO shirty."