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SS7- Sudden change for the worse, how can we step in.

blended_mommy4's picture

Hello Everyone,
First I have to say I haven't been on here for a long long time. The business of life of a mother has just kind of taken it's toll, but I am so glad to see that the site is still up and running and to see everyone still here helping and supporting each other.
Now to my problem, yeah you knew this was coming didn't you Smile My step son (7yo) is just giving me a big run for my money right now. Me and DH have pretty much determined after many long conversations with SS that the big issue lies at BM's house, where, SS rules the roost so to say. He has always had a little bit of a "I think I'm a grown up" attitude, but nothing that really bothered me, or that we couldn't handle, until probably the last couple months. I don't know what to do. He is constantly picking on the girls (all younger) and it's not just picking, he's mean, really really mean for no reason sometimes, and overly mean when there is a reason. He says horrible things unprompted, If he's not in your sight, the girls are constantly getting hit, or punched, or pushed or kicked, whatever. He purposely tells the girls to do things that he knows will get them in trouble and then rubs it in that he did it on purpose. He's been totally disrespectful to me and DH, yelling at us, mouthy, argumentative non stop and then when reprimanded for anything at all he gets this nasty look on his face, pouts, and sometimes even slams doors or hits or kicks walls, or once again, takes it out on the girls. He is constantly telling me what he is and isn't doing, and just the tone of his voice when he talks to me, DH or even other adults is just plain offensive. We have tried talking to him, and we are still getting the same sarcastic attitude, and I really just don't know how to handle it. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight, maybe I'm asking the wrong questions or taking the wrong approach when I talk to him, but I am in any case open to any suggestions you all might have.


ColorMeGone2's picture

Ass? Meet my spanking hand.
Video games? Meet the garbage can.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

steppie1999's picture

in his situation at BM's but he doesn't know how to express himself in a less aggressive way...he is after all only 7 and a boy.
Most boys do not express themselves well.
Think of it this way....If something's bothering us as adults, don't we sometimes lash out at the people closest to us?? Why?? Because we're fed up and frustrated!
Children can feel the same way. I know this from experience with my own SK's. At the same time, they have to understand acceptable behavior and the consequences for unacceptabe behavior.
If you can find a way to relate to your SS (talking while you're doing an activity together, a journal, etc.) and get him to open up, perhaps you can find a solution and if he opens up, you may be surprised at what's bothering him.
Good luck to you all. There's nothing worse than a small child on a self-destructive path...especially when they may not even be sure why they're behaving badly.