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The covid tango da da...da da da....da da... dooopy dooo

Booboobear's picture

lets just pretend the estrangement is about the covid, ill go along with that.  grand kids cant come over, we cant go over there, but they and grandskids can make big charade about dropping off plates of food or gifts doned with masks then RUNNING to car and waving bye bye franticly  as they drive off, don't pay no mind that they just spent an hour at walmart or dollar store picking out Christmas and birthday gifts for grandpa or grandma  so why couldn't they get sick from joe smoe at the dollar store but they get sick from grandparents house, or we get sick at there house, arent there any grandparents at the walmart or the dollar store even if their not related grandparents, i guess the covid only transfers to grandparents that you actually know.  


after babysitting them and seeing them all the time unto now, a year later get to see them and we are so honored, help with online elementary play ball at recess in the back yard,  parents wouldn't let them take any snacks/gifts  from our house, but they left a box of snacks gifts for us. 

then someone on here yesterday made me have a bad dream about my DH due to their informative post about enmeshment video and MIL's or SKids, I dreamed that my DH told me he wanted to divorce me and I cried and cried and cried and he didn't care, until in my dream I told him "I'm so sorry that I was so unaware of your unhappiness with me."   I woke up devastated and told my faithful DH right beside me about my dream and he said "I am happy with you and I am not going anywhere and I hope you will never divorce me."  I told him about how we don't deserve the estrangement that the skids and MIl give us but If I was to apologize for anything it would be "I am so sorry that I was so unaware of your unhappiness with me."  I never did anything mean to them and the stuff they accused me of was not true, but they left our life regardless.  They abandoned dh because he would not abandon me. I was good to them for years and I was oblivious to how unhappy they were with me in their life. they were kind to me and tolerated me but they were unhappy and did not tell us so they broke off relationship with DH. and now we don't get to see them or the grandkids.  They tried to be polite and waited until DH would leave me, but he never did.  and we were blindsided by the abandonment because we were oblivious to the unhappiness that they had with me in their life.

no point to this post. 


tog redux's picture

I'm sorry you are feeling bad - but to be fair, there is little evidence of COVID being transmitted in stores, where people are wearing masks and not near someone for more than a few seconds; and lots of evidence of it being transmitted via maskless (and masked) family gatherings.

But you may be right that they are using it as an excuse.

Evil4's picture

That was me who posted the video. I'm so sorry about your dream!!! I'm glad that your DH reassured you. I think when were in step-families it's very important to get that reassurance from our spouses that we're not going anywhere and that we matter. 

We Sparents don't need to do anything except breathe to piss off SKs. They want to get rid of us because they are narcissistic and want their dads all to themselves. 

Booboobear's picture

I messed up on my post, i told my DH UN happiness not happiness in my dream.  also, im talking about two different sets of skids, two who totally estranged, and two who kept kept us around like an old green moldy sandwitch, we used to babysit before the covid, a year ago, now we finally got to babysit again today, after a year, and everyone wore masks, all day.   I'm not trying to undermind and offend the sick. 

bananaseedo's picture

For the ones that aren't socializing with you, it could be real concern as family gatherings are THE place most transmissions occurr.  You guys being grandparents they may just be extra careful. I would see how they behave more after everyone is vaccinated and things get better/cases go down.  For the ones that are totally estranged, I'm sorry, I'm sure it hurts a lot.