Is it O.K. if we have a conversation that does NOT revolve totally around SD10 EVER!?
I have been away from my blog for quite awhile, but MIL is driving me bat s*&^! It's bad enough that, despite her ferocious need that everything with regards to my 2 children and HER grandchild is somehow "unfair" and she is constantly levelling the field by not treating my 2 kids the same as SD10. She is always taking SD10 and ONLY SD10 on trips, shopping, keeping her for the weekend...etc But when I do things for my own children, out of necessity, it is favoritism.
I digress-
Lately, in addition to that, SD10 has to be the center of every conversation when MIL is around. I almost just went and sat in the house at the last 2 family gatherings because I was so tired of any topic that was being discussed somehow turning to a discussion about SD10. We talked about taking my son and daughter to Skyzone (indoor trampoline park)for my son's birthday. (SD10 was with her mom, otherwise she would have been brought, also.)It wasn't one sentence into the conversation and immediately it was, "Well,why didn't SD10 get to go!? I'll bet she's never been there in her life!" Like we intentionally left her home or something.Then it was SO hilarious when SD10 almost hit me in the face with a volleyball multiple times and then apologized in baby talk. And I was evil because I called her on it.
The last thing that just irritated the crap out of me was this past weekend We got a go-cart that my parents were getting rid of and brought it home. My daughter was the only child that was at home this weekend, so obviously the pictures and videos that I posted online were of SO and my DD. As soon as she saw them, there was a comment about when was SD10 going to be getting a turn for a ride. Not even a generic "Oh, looks like you guys are having a good time." But right away with the stupid questions. Like nobody is ever supposed to have any fun if she isn't there. Honestly, what even causes a grandparent to behave that way? So annoying and uncalled for.
- borrowedtime83's blog
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Good idea, but sadly I think
Good idea, but sadly I think she commented on the photo SO shared and not my actual photo. I think I will check that out hahaha!
Oh for the love of Pete, this
Oh for the love of Pete, this is soooo my MIL and her sister (DH's aunt) They have some bug up their butt about SD16 and only SD16. Last year Auntie sent at least 3 boxes FULL of stuff to the house for SD16 for "school" clothes, a laptop, school supplies,, gift cards etc. She sent not one thing for BS4. No 99cent matchbox car, no glow stick, no fuck you sticker, no nothing. Does she not think he noticed???? I mean come on they are BOTH DH kids and live under the same roof. Granted BS4 wasn't going to school last year, BUT he IS this year, so we'll see what happens and if I need to go postal on someone.
About a month or so ago, MIL apparently called DH looking for SD16 because she was taking SIL girls (who are 7 and 3) to get ice cream and wondered if SD16 wanted to go. SD16 was at her friends, MIL made this big fucking deal about DH calling SD at her friends to see if she wanted to go, MIL said she would drive out and pick her up, etc. NEVER asked if BS4 wanted to go. WTF? And it's not like BS4 is a terror, he is a good kid (and no I'm not being partial
I seriously can't tell you how many times people have commented about what a well behaved little boy he is.
It's like they have some guilt trip with SD16 or something... oh poor, poor SD16 her mother is a piece of shit, she can't help it that she's lazy, steals things, lies, etc. so let's stroke her already overinflated ego and sense of entitlement. It's just like in school. The bad kids get all the attention and extra help, services etc. and the good kids are just "there"
Oh and p.s. I would delete
Oh and p.s. I would delete all of her stupid fucking comments or just do what I did with my MIL and "unfriend" her.
I don't know how to handle it
I don't know how to handle it TACTFULLY, and I am afraid to bring it up to SO because I figure I will somehow end up just being the evil stepmom. But something does need to change and it's gotten worse lately. And that fact of the matter is, my DD is with me literally 98% of the time. She sees her dad 2 hours every other week in a supervised setting, so yes, SO and I and DD are together A LOT and that can't really be held against us. Sometimes I just want to get a brick and throw it in her face and knock some of the stupid out of her.
LOL DaizyDuke, I love the F
LOL DaizyDuke, I love the F You sticker comment! I actually HATE back to school time at our house also. MIL and auntie go out an buy pretty much all of SD10 back to school supplies(she goes on the internet and prints out the supply list), backpack, clothing, plus have her school calendar for the first 6 months memorized. It's crazy. I know my DD is not SO's kid, but they are girls, and within 2 years of the same age, so yes, DD notices A LOT! And if they want to pick up SD for something they will go WAY out of their way to go get her or make arrangements, "Oh, SD10 is at the North Pole today! Well let me see when the first flight leaves and I will be on it! She would be so disappointed to not go to the pool today!"
You should have replied in
You should have replied in ALL CAPS. She isn't here is why!!!!!!!!!
It just bothers me how grown
It just bothers me how grown adults can be so oblivious to how their actions/words are hurtful to others- esp ones who have about 25-30 years life experience on me. Maybe my thinking is flawed, but shouldn't the grandparents be a better example?
One of the saddest things is the FIL. He has kids/grandkids that have nothing to do with him (he is technically step-grandpa/FIL)and has adopted SD10 as his biological grandkid basically, but joins MIL in boycotting MY kids. There has even been a few times where SD10 has walked around gloating about going on some day trip or whatnot and we asked if they would include DD (given plenty of notice and asking politely) and they just said no, or we promised SD. Like WTF does that even mean? I can't even figure out if they are trying to indirectly hurt me or shun my kids (is it me or my kids that they have problem with?), but I have done my own personal best in tolerating SD and being fair to the point of it being UNfair to me and my kids.
I have a SIL like this. My
I have a SIL like this. My SIL is a SM too!! She has skids too and should know better! My advice to you would be to call your MIL out on it and set her straight. Get her in a room with your DH and have him do the talking.
Of course, I have yet to take that advice for myself.
My SIL will buy gifts for my skids, but no bios. I could care less if she was in our life anyway, but I don't want my bios to notice this and be hurt.