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BM told SO that I am unfit to be around her kids....

buterfly_2011's picture

So texted BM to get his kids. Her response was:

I have heard from 4 people that HER lifestyle is inapropriate for my kids to be around (sorry I spelled that wrong). And until SO gets his head screwed on straight he will not be able to see or speak to his kids.

I am 38 years old the only thing I do is work and go home and watch my sons sports activities. Sure while in my 20's I had a few years where I just had a lot of fun. But that's in the past.

I am devastated.... Sad


3familiesIn1's picture

SHE can't make that unilateral decision - only the courts can I believe. She has FROR if your SO isn't around but she can't ban you from the kids unless you aren't married then some states don't allow overnights.


hismineandours's picture

Sorry-if there is a court order for visitation she cant really make that sort of decision.

He should save the message and let her know he will see her in court and charge her for attorney fees for withholding the kids. Now if she had some real dirt of you (like youve been arrested for child molesting)I could see her point, but she cant make these decisions on what she may or may not have heard. Who cares what she heard.

I wish I could be more sympathetic, but to me this is a dream. I wish that bm would deem me inappropriate to be around ss

buterfly_2011's picture

He always texts her so he has it in writing what her responses are. And we got a recorder for when they talk on the phone. So we are documenting everything. She told him... Sorry but this is a no can do. You will not talk to them or see them.

He called his lawyer today. I guess we will see what happens.

Ever since he started standing up for himself regarding extra $$$ or enforcing his right to see them via CO she has been hostile like this.

The CO doesn't stipulate anything about either parent having a Significant other in their lives. There is nothing out there other than hearsay from the small town we reside in. But all of that hearsay is from when I was in my 20's and all that was was judgement because if I didn't like a guy I left his ass and moved on. I wasn't settling again. And I'm sorry but that doesn't make me unfit. Call me a whore all you want but just because I chose to not settle doesn't make me a bad person. GRRRRRRRRR

buterfly_2011's picture

HA! Love it..... I'm ok with it for SD17, but I have grown to love those boys and up until she filled their heads with BS they loved me too.

just tired's picture

You can count on any time a BM starts talking smack about you....the "new" woman, it's because she's realizing she's losing/lost the ability to control her ex. And the more control she loses, the more crazy she will get. Count on it.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I'd bet all I own, that BM is going nutso cause she has lost. Lost the control & grip she once had on your SO. Our BM went looney toons on us/me a few times like this too. Once threatening to me that "it was already in the works" on taking me supposedly to court to keep my SSs away from me & all because SS11 caused a fight between DH & I. Dumb DH fought with me in front of the kids- and they went home & said it was I who was yelling at DH. But. It was the other way around. She never acted on that threat tho- but damn that B put me thru hell. Still does

Hugs!!! Hold your head & heart up high. You've done no wrong. When is OH supposed to see the kids next? Has OH flat out asked her what exactly she 'thinks' she knows? Hang in there. She's pissed cause she thought he would continue to do as she says& he's not playing her games anymore & grew independent from her. Smile. She lost!!! Not you!

buterfly_2011's picture

We are suppose to get them first of Sept. But she already told him no. Funny thing is when she moved she didn't let the courts know. She didn't put anything in writing two years ago. Just moved 6 hours away. She is in contempt on alot of things. HE can't see his kids until he talks to me about living a "healthy" lifesyle and until I begin doing that he will not have contact with skids.

buterfly_2011's picture

That's exactly what she did this afternoon when she texted for child support for their kids.....

buterfly_2011's picture

EVIDENTLY........ now He is being told I'm living an "unhealthy" lifestyle and until he talks to me about that lifestyle and I get it under control no skids. O.M.G.