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Delicious Jones...

CatG's picture

I need to let off some steam this morning.

I am not a dog person. It is not that I don't like animals, I just never was the person who wanted a pet in my home. At least nothing more than a fish. I think that little dogs can be cute, and I am sure anyone who has an animal and loves it is a truly warm hearted person.

I just really am not a pet person.

Anyway, DH and SD10 have talked about getting a god for years now. I have always been against it because I knew that when it all is said and done I would end up taking care of this pet. I have won this arguement for 3 years.

This past Spring, DH announces that SD will be moving in with us during the school year. I did not have a problem with this because I love her dearly. Then the dog conversation came back up. I agrued the point for weeks and long story short, we end up with a dog with the stipulation that I will not have to take care of him, it will be the responsibility of SD10 and DH. Now don't get me wrong, I knew that there would be times when I would need to take care of the dog. It was just not to be MY primary responsibility.

The whole dog thing in my opinion (BTW his name is Delicious Jones long story will explain later) was just an additional push to get SD to move in with us. She has been asking for a dog for awhile now and since she did not live here, I really felt we did not need to get one. Needless to say, sometime in the middle of the summer SD goes home and is lured by mom to be a cheerleader...of course she does not come back.

DH does a lot of work out of town so he is gone most of the week also. I am left here with this dog that I really don't want to deal with. The barking and all is just too much for me and I really did not want this responsibilty in the first place.

I am now being told that as the family changed I should change also. I am not being a team player and dealing with the dog since out situation has changed (he did not work out of town as much before) and that I should stop complaining about the dog. But I think I have a right to complain since I am left to do all the work with this HUGE dog that is UNTRAINED! DJ has changed my morning routine and I have to make sure I am rushing home from work to make sure he is taken care of since there is no one at home to do. I asked if SD could take her dog home with her since they have a fenced yard and BM says that ' there will be no dogs from us at her house'. The local shelters are full and won't take him. And I have not had anyone respond to any postings. Not to mention, DH says that he will be upset if I give away 'his dog'. I have had folk tell me to just drive out to the county and leave him, but I really just can't do that.

So what do I do? This is driving me MAD! I need DH and SD to take THEIR dog, but I just don't see it happening. What to do?


LizzieA's picture

I like that, being told to change when they go about their business like the dog they wanted doesn't exist. Time for family meeting sit down with discussion of dog duties. I also suggest obedience school so it can be trained. Nothing more annoying than untrained barking dogs. Not fair to dog either. Does your SD do anything with the dog? It reminds me of SD, when DH was still there she snuck a puppy into the house. DH of course trained it. Then during the divorce BM wouldn't let him take him. (bitch) Now that dog sits on the couch for months until we show up and walk it.
(we live far away)

CatG's picture

When he is home his does take care of the dog (mostly). But on average he is not home during the week. I have to be at work before 8 am so I have had to get up earlier to make sure both me and DJ are taken care of before I leave for the day. Also, he is a sheppard so this time of year he shed and that is adding to my loss of nerves. I am constantly sweeping or mopping. It drives me crazy.

And we have had the famiy meeting, but seriously with no one here during the week there is no one to deligate and responsibilities to but me.

CatG's picture

She would definitely have more responsibilities if she were here. She has moved back out of town with her mom. So the responsibility is totally on me during the week. He has a crate, but some of my friends have been telling me that is considered abusive. I don't think so. It's a nice crate, blankets and everything!

As much as I don't like dealing with the dog, I don't like the thought of sending him somewhere that will eventually kill him or him going to someplace that treats him badly. As much as I joke, the side of the road is not an option.

I do like your idea though...maybe this year only the dog will get Christmas gifts! }:)

CatG's picture

I never thought of a pet sitter!! You guys have great ideas!! Thank you so much!! Smile Wink

into the mystic's picture

That would make me mad too. We have 2 dogs, one that came with my SO when he got divorced because no one ever played with it but him. Well sd12 had a different dog at BM house, and I doubt she ever played with that one either just by the way she acts with our dogs. It got run over a few months ago, and sd12 had mentioned something about wanting a new puppy. I told her if she wanted a dog to play with, that there were 2 of them in the back yard that would love to have someone walk them, lol. Haven't heard a peep about it since Biggrin

Have you tried putting him on craigslist? There might be someone out there who would give him a good home.