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Ever feel like you are the only rational one?

Catlover's picture

Sometimes I feel like DH likes to dig his heels in and fight for the sake of fighting w/BM. Yes, she's a nutjob, but at times I wish he could just let some of this crap go. He gets into his control freak tendencies and wants to P**s off BM, then she does the same. At times I feel like I am the only adult in this situation. For example, it comes time to sign the skids up for swimming lessons..... DH signs them up for the early morning session...why??? because he knows that BM can't get her butt out of bed before noon on a good day. (skids are w/ us 50/50). Then he sends over the receipt for her to pay half of the activity (13.00). So two days later, skids come home with a receipt for us from new riding boots for 4H for SD (our part being 20.00). So what does DH do? Yup.. he goes and buys SS new tennis shoes (her part being 15.00)....and so on... my God it seems like they just exchange receipts and checks every other day. GRRRRR. I finally told DH to knock it off. BM likes to get under his skin.... and he needs to be the bigger person.


Gestalt's picture

can get ugly real quick, hopefully he sees the wisdom in your words.

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

fruitloop's picture

Too funny...or sad...depending on which side of the coin you are on. I am both a SM and BM...and my exH does this same kind of crap. He is constantly nitpicking apart our JPA, trying to "out" me on some wrong he feels I have done. He'll fight me tooth and nail over extra visitation time, and then when I finally give in and he gets it, he can't even use it so he'll then have to offer me's like, what was even the point then??

He is engaged to this girl - and she seems decent so far - and I have warned him that he better let some of his animosity toward me go or he is going to end up running HER off as well. She has never been married and has no biokids, so why on earth she wants to be with a guy that is still so freaking tied up in the drama with his EXW is beyond me.

Sounds like you are getting to that point as well.

Amazed's picture

It seems so hard to find a happy medium with DH and BM. Either he's spineless and lets BM run everything or he's a control freak and butts heads constantly with her. *sigh* Pick your poison I suppose.

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~