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screaming BM --- what the hell do ya do???

cenrok's picture

Saturday morning we were getting ready to head out of town just the two of us for an overnight get away. I heard SD10 telling BM that she was staying with a sitter over night. Next thing I hear DH outside on his cell phone, BM was screaming so loud I could hear her inside the house. BM lives two states away, and has SD only during the summer. She accused us of never doing "anything" with SD. 3 weekends ago, we took SD snowmobiling, had a bonfire & roasted hot dogs. 2 Weekends ago we spend one whole day shopping with her (she never found the perfect jacket or shoes) eeeek!, And DH took her to a hot spring pool a few hours away to swim. I asked DH if he mentioned these things, and he said no - I don't need to explain myself to her. Yea, I guess I kind of agree. But, he doesn't need to listen to her either, so why was he? My thing is it makes me so mad that BM isn't stable enough to keep SD herself, but can throw stones our way. I don't scream & insult my DH, I just hate that another woman is doing it. It made me want to grab the phone, reach through it & pull her lungs out.


DaizyDuke's picture

Just remember that BM has been and always will be MOTY whether she sees SD once a year or once a day simply because she birthed the child....and you and your DH will always be losers who don't know how to parent. I agree with your DH, he does not have explain himself to her. I'd just hang up on her ass next time!

cenrok's picture

Yep! I wish he would have just hung up. I wanted to go grab the phone & do it for him.

skylarksms's picture

Oh yes, fond memories of the good ole BM screaming on the phone days.

Those were the days...before we got the No Contact order put into the CO.

herewegoagain's picture

Isn't it great that they believe they have a right to yell at our DH? Luckily, idiot hasn't called anymore...she's still trying to hide kid's baby so she hasn't called at all...fine by us!

cenrok's picture

I don't know what bothers me most, the screaming or the big secret conversations. When he goes outside to talk to her. Then, he doesn't tell me what the conversation is about. I realize they have a child together, so they have to talk. But, I sure can't wait for the day when she has no reason to call. At least I'm hoping that will happen....