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I should have known better

Channing19's picture

let me just start off saying I’m so glad I found this site. I felt like such a horrible person never liking my step kids. I’ve been with my husband for 8 years and they are annoying and I resent them because of how much child support we pay for them. With out going into too much I just have to say how awful are these ex wives!? They tell the men they never spend enough time with the kids but keep pulling and pulling more money from them which means they have to work more and more to pay for it! I have 3 step kids who I tried really hard to like and for a little while I was ok- the oldest came out to me and my husband and wanted to live with us at some point. Once the ex found out ,she did she decided to start bad mouthing my husband to the kids and now they all tell him they don’t want to spend time with him and it hurts him. My mind set is you hurt him , you hurt me. I am now pregnant with my first and am terrified to tell his asshole kids because they are going to tell their mom and I’m afraid she is going to take us for more child support. My husband is a great man and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me! His ex was super controlling which is why he left. She is now super controlling with the kids and tries to win them over by bad mouthing their dad. The middle child told my husband that she is still mad at him for leaving 10 YEARS AGO!! What are you kidding!? Now this is coming from someone who’s parents were divorced when they were 5 and mom has been married and divorced 2 more times after.. I’ve been in their shoes and try to be under standing but are you freaking kidding!?  The kid is now 14 and is still upset.. I know it’s because their mom tells them stuff... ugh it makes me mad. And I’m thrilled about my peanut but I’m seriously dreading telling his kids and his family because they’re up his ex wife’s ass.. again AFTER 10 YEARS!! I should have run when I had the chance.. I should have known better..


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I understand your fear. I dreaded telling BM about our upcoming pregnancy. I had a miscarriage two years ago and BM is so bitter that she actually laughed about it. She was never married to my DH and left him for her most current XH. Despite leaving, she is still obsessed with my DH and writes love letters to him.

Fortunately, my DH puts her in her place. He refuses to acknowledge her in any way. Please dont let BM or your Skids take this joy from you.  Just ignore them and enjoy it.

Channing19's picture

Thank you for the reply- luckily she is remarried and leaves him alone for the most part but she still will send him mean texts to make him try and feel bad. She physically can’t carry boys something is wrong with her body where she miscarries them and if I have a boy I feel like all hell will break lost because I have everything she wanted. My husband hopes she won’t do that but I’m trying so hard to be excited about my peanut but I’m also terrified about what could happen.

tog redux's picture

I just did a google search and I don't think it's really a thing to be "unable to carry boys".  Sounds like something BM made up to make herself feel better.

I will stand corrected if anyone can provide a valid source.

Channing19's picture

dude I never thought of that.. I wouldn’t be surprised if that psycho was full of shit 

Orchid1's picture

As a step parent you can step back or step out.You do not have to love or like stepkids, they are not your children. Its a bonus if that ever eventuates.   Take charge and make boundaries  if your health is affected than leave. Its really not worth the trouble, if your husband cares for you he can cut ties and move away with you..  Very often us women we take it all on our shoulders and try to fix the family, while husband stands around confused,  He had three children with the ex and that was their decision, not yours.let him deal with it. The ex needs counselling, perhaps suggest husband goes with her, so they can sort out the anger she is feeling and help her to except the situation.  Not so good to be angry about the money paid for support of his children, that is responsibility and he should be paying, not you not your problem..  As for quality time, it is important to the children, for their welfare and health. to see their father. they will grow up and time will calm things down.

 Most important is your welfare, do not get sucked into their negativity or problems,it will cause life long anxiety and illness and they will not care, put those boundaries in place and you will feel better its your life and it can be dealt with. Its  difficult  when a husband or wife leaves the family home and will cause deep bitterness in the mother, she feels betrayed and helpless and will take it out on her children against the father. leave him to deal with this as he caused the problem. Run if you can.

elkclan's picture

Any time I start to resent child support I think - would I still love him if he were in a job that paid what it does - minus the amount of CS. And yes, yes I would. He was paying that money before he met me. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I know CS can be tough but the positive in this is that he's fulfilling his obligation and supporting his kids which is something that BM can't take away from him. I can relate to things getting tight and having to work the extra hours to try and make ends meet. Hang in there and don't allow anyone to take the joy of celebrating your little one that is on the way. Don't give BM, stepkids, etc. the satisfaction of seeing you unhappy. This is a happy time in your life and being bitter and resentful will take away from this wonderful experience.

Take a look at your finances and see if there are things you can cut down on like a cable bill, heat, water bill....whatever......and buget yourselves better. Although it may seem like it now the CS won't be forever.

Keep your head up!

CLove's picture

Firstly, I definitely know how frustrating it is to be feeling the financial pinch from child support. We just got our order copy, and notice of impending earnings withholding (garnishment). Our BM, ToxicTroll, is getting a $30,000 severance for leaving her job, has money in teachers retirement account, and is getting 50K and change for a head injury she recieved at work 3 plus years ago. And we are still ordered to pay child support. And child stays with us more, too, requiring more food. And she wants us to take her places, and buy her things. IM like "ask your mother..."

But it is what it is, and its been determined as an obligation. Its still frustrating, I completely understand. The kiddos sound very entitled and ungrateful, plus with the parental alination going on, they are getting really messed up values. That whold "child of divorce" victimhood. Last night Munchkin SD12 tried telling a story and called herself "the victim", and I HAD to interject with "I prefer you not label yourselfa  victim, I suggest thinking of yourself as the bigger better person..." I dont think it registered. But her mother and older sister have become the consumate "victims", I am hopnig she doesnt fall down that rabbit hole!

And ex wives are exes FOR A REASON, and if there are children involved, it has to be a super good reason. My DH left his ex because she is a Toxic, abusive, alcoholic, pathalogical, narcissistic cheater. So guess what I have had to deal with for the past 4 years and 10 months? A really messed up bio mother who LOOKS for everything to be wrong that we are doing so she can blast us via text. Just when I think "well she cant get any lower", she does. She beat her eldest while the youngest watched and texted DH "oh well, at least she is 18 now and I cant get into trouble! tee hee."

So yes, the exes have to be horrible or we wouldnt be here on Steptalk venting our fears, frustrations and anger.

Enjoy your little peanut, what a gift! Who cares if others resent, cut them out of your life. Disengage. They dont matter in the Big Picture.

Channing19's picture

i really am greatful for all the replies! Everyone makes step parents think they have to love the kids and “treat them as your own” especially as a woman.. and it’s frustrating, thinking you have to want to be around these kids. I can tell you if they were mine things would be a lot different lol