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chaoticsteplife's picture

o.k. Repeat global portrait: Boyfriend and I have been together 4 years now. We are very stable, never change the routine with kids, respect BM's time with the kids etc...
Until recently, we had shared custody; one week her one week us. But...
For almost a year now, SD11 does not want to go to her mom's house anymore for visitations and is seeing a child psychologist to help her/us cope with the issues underneath this reaction of hers.
So SD has been living full time with us since last november and it's not been easy with her or with BM.( see other blogs to know more about BM)
SS6 on the other side, kept on going to BM's once every other week until recently....
Why has this changed?
Because BM decided to move 2.5 hrs away with her new boyfriend to "go back to school and move on" So now, SS6 is living with us full time too.
So now we have full custody of both kids.
The arrangement is that she has SS once every other weekend and SD when and if she wants to go along (has not happened yet).
So two weeks ago, she decides she wants to have her son 3 weekends a month instead of two because she misses him and feels she is not spending enough time with him. WHAT???
Did she not think about this BEFORE moving away and giving up custody ? Did she not realize that she would only see her son 5 days a month instead of 14 ???
Now she has filed court papers to try and get that third weekend (which means we loose one weekend with son to accomodate her needs and wants! ) And we are already in court with her for a bunch of other things and have been many times in the past 4 years.
It's been two weekends now that she DOES have SS and she keeps freakin calling us to come pick him up earlier than planed!!!! Like one day in advance!! I just don't get it !!??
To top it off today, she brings back SS with a cold, a wet hat on his head and a big bag full of wet clothes!!
She says to my boyfriend: "Oh, I didn't have time to dry his clothes"
What a stupid , sick puppy she is !!
And what is it with her?
Do you want to see your son or not??
Why the hell are you bringing us to court for a third weekend with your son if you can't keep him a whole weekend in the first place??
AND....she has SS6 call us instead of herself...
I would be ashamed...
Is it just me or this is some sort of power trip she is playing with us?
Let me know what you think!


IHATEDRAMA's picture

I don't know why these BMs always play these silly little games its all a power trip to see how much control she can have and to dirsupt your relationship as much as possible anything she can do to inconvenience you she will have been going through that crap 5 yrs plus now the problem is I have a weak husband who lets her and the kids do whatever.

StepMadre's picture

poor little kids. The wet clothes thing is just awful. What a creep.

"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki

stepoff's picture

Write down all of the times that BM brings SS back early or changes plans and take it to court with you as proof. When she takes you to court, let the judge know that she can't even stick to the current schedule. I can't imagine a judge would give her another weekend when she can't stick to a full weekend to begin with.