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chaoticsteplife's Blog

Hardest blog ever for me but I'm hoping to get some sort of healing with it...

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and some comments/advice from my fellow steptalkers!
This is about BM's physical attack/assault on me and then on my boyfriend.
So here is how it went.
It was the evening, around 7:30 and it had been a hard day.
BM had been calling all day and evening, arguing with bf about just about everything.
At that time, we had the kids 50/50 with her but she was never holding her end of the deal.
The last call bf got was particularly disturbing; she was saying to bf " You can keep the kids, i'm just going to go hang myself..."

UPDATE; see last comment from me.... Alone with skids for 12 days....I need to vent NOW !!!!!!!!

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Argggggggghhhhhh....boyfriend is gone for 12 days for his annual hunting trip and here I am going bonkers at home with the skids....especially SD11, she is so demanding I don't know how much longer I can take this without bursting out.
She is always complaining about EVERYTHING,
"I don't like this, I don't like that, what kind of bread is that? You're always telling me to pick up after myself it's annoying, can we eat this instead of that?" It goes on and on and on....


chaoticsteplife's picture

o.k. Repeat global portrait: Boyfriend and I have been together 4 years now. We are very stable, never change the routine with kids, respect BM's time with the kids etc...
Until recently, we had shared custody; one week her one week us. But...
For almost a year now, SD11 does not want to go to her mom's house anymore for visitations and is seeing a child psychologist to help her/us cope with the issues underneath this reaction of hers.

SD11 screams out; I WANNA CALL MOMMY !!! because I just disciplined her...update

chaoticsteplife's picture

SD11 (seems like she's going on 15) comes home from school and starts giving me attitude and disrespecting me, the subject beeing irrelevant I will skip it.
So I send her to her room telling her to go think about what she just said to me and that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated in our home.
She's crying and screaming and pooor pooor her, her life is so miserable etc etc. She's putting on a show, being a drama queen (well taught to her by her BM).
So she starts screaming from her bedroom: I WANNA CALL MOOOMMMMMMMY! CAN I CALL MOOOMMMMMMMY?!!

Stepmom loosing it

chaoticsteplife's picture

I'll stick to talking about this recent situation making me "loose it" because telling my whole stroy would take much more time than I actually have to spare for the day...o.k. Global portrait: Boyfriend and I have been together 4 years now. We are very stable, never change the routine with kids, respect BM's time with the kids etc...I have to tell you a bit about BM so that you can understand were we are coming from.