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DH has the moving out talk with SS

Cheyenne's picture

Ss25 has been living with us for 2.5 months because he broke up with his girlfriend and she kicked him out of her house. For the last 2 weeks he has not slept here and I said to DH to tell SS to get his stuff because I want to use the room again.

Well, he went and talked to SS and ex-girlfriend. They said they are trying to work out their relationship. DH told them that he gave SS 3 months of living with us and that was up in 2 weeks and then he needed to move out. SS said he hasn't been at our house for 2 weeks so that should extend the time. DH told him straight out no, it doesn't work like that. He is not even here but he wants to be able to come here it's a backup. Maybe he thought he could keep his room here indefinitely. No sorry it is a guest room. My mother stayed over one night and had to share my daughters room because he had the guest room and he didnt even come home that night.

And the other thing is ex-girlfriend said "I suppose he could live here" but she wasn't happy about it. He has been living there anyway so what's the difference. DH said SS could live with his mum but he would need to not live like a pig like he does at our house. SS said no way.

I just can't believe his crap. He won't go out and rent somewhere even though he earns over $1000 per week because he is saving up for a house. He pays us nothing.

I am just soooo happy I've only got 2 more weeks of this. My husband had better stick to his word.


ChiefGrownup's picture

He's saving for his own house? Great! As soon as he buys it come and plant yourself there for 3 months at least! Then leave your stuff there for a few weeks longer as interest. Heck, just use his place as a storage locker indefinitely. If he asks you to take it away, tell him you can't because you're "saving for a unit at Uhaul."

Look. I love my nephew to pieces and we get along great. He lived with me right after high school. It was awesome and it helped him test out his land legs. Fast forward about 2 years and he and his gf want to move to My State, could they stay with me a bit? Sure. Fantastic.

Well, gf turned out to be an evil hell spawn and, sadly, dragged him down with her. When I found out they were lying to me I kicked them out right then and there. No 2 weeks or 3 months warning. Just get your stuff and go and dig that key out of your pocket right now and hand it over.

Nephew and I even parted on great terms. GF, meh, she was a lost cause and started calling MY friends, to whom I had introduced her, and begging for handouts and crash pads on the basis that they were now "homeless!"

That girl will never darken my door again. Nephew eventually broke up with her anyway, thank every god on Mt. Olympus.

Cheyenne's picture

i am expecting SS to come here today because he has to go to work tonight and his work clothes are here. I hope he just gets them and goes. Hopefully I won't need to deal with him again. When the 2 weeks is up I will be getting my husband to get the stuff and take it to ex-girlfriend house and to get my key. Or else I'm changing the locks and putting his stuff in the garage.