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Cheyenne's Blog

Go away already!

Cheyenne's picture

So I get home from work on Friday and ss25 is sitting on my couch with DH watching crap on tv. I wasn't happy because it was supposed to be date night. I had both my children out for the night and SS25 wasn't supposed to be here. He was working away and not supposed to come back until Monday.

SS comes in at 1am

Cheyenne's picture

I'll just briefly give a background. Ss25 moved in 2.5 months ago because he broke up with his girlfriend.
He has not slept here for 15 nights but just keeps popping in every few days for a hour to get some of his stuff. He is trying to work it out with his ex but "they are not together"

SS visit

Cheyenne's picture

SS came home today for a whole hour. The last time he was here was last Saturday. So he comes in and says hi and then goes outside to smoke. Then he asked where his dad was and I replied he has gone out. Then he watched tv for a hour and talked to his brother and then left again without saying goodbye. I just don't get it, he probably came to get clothes again. I just hate it because he has a key and just walks in and out whenever. This needs to stop. Whenever I talk to DH, he says you just hate him and never listens.

Has SS moved out?

Cheyenne's picture

SS25 has lived with us about 9 weeks. He moved in because he broke up with his girlfriend. I didn't even get asked if he could move in. But anyway, he has not slept here in a week. He came here Christmas eve to get some clothes and then yesterday to get his x-box. His room is full of his stuff and I think if he is not sleeping here, he can get his stuff and take it to where ever he is staying.