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I was planning my next vacation on the ride home from airport

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Home for less than 24 hrs. Already been lied to by 2 people, annoyed by all, even DH. DH askd SDs to have their stuff out of washer & dryer so I can do laundry after vacation. Usually I do laundry at my mom's but really didnt feel like packing it up so I nicely folded SD16s clothes and put them on her bed so I can do laundry. Trying to be the bigger person/adult here instead of taking the pile and throwing it the floor like she does to DHs stuff. She fucking knew. She left the house and left that shit in there intentionally because daddy told her to do something to convenience me. She wont have that.

Anyone want to take bets which month i move outta here in 2019. I just have to stay married while my bio son looks for a job in his field to get health insurance. He graduated with a masters in engineering management and hasnt found anything. Anyone hiring?!?


Chmmy's picture

That sounds so nice. We have nowhere to return the kids as they are ours over 90% of the time. Lol. I just got a sick boy returned to me. DH is at work so I had to go get him. I was pissed cuz I thought he was faking but he was sooooo white. Jeeez he looked bad. Im just wondering if a child was sick and we had something to do, would BMs husband drive 2 hours round trip to pick up a sick boy? Im glad I went to get home though. He would have had to sit in a restaurant with family miserable. No one deserves that.

My son is just looking to get his foot in the door somewhere. He may have a management degree but I doubt he has the skills. He's going to need years of on the job experience. He was a manager of a car wash at 19. He managed a bunch of goofballs...hope that helps his resume!