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Chmmy's Blog

It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am.

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It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am. SD25 was found in a parking lot asleep in her car...not in a parking spot just the lot. They took her to the police station and called daddy to pick her up instead of arresting her and charging her with DUI. They needed someone sober to pick her up. She was incoherent and couldn't even tell them her address. They used SDs phone to call my husband. Once she sobered up they talked to her about if she hurts or kills someone she will be in prison and daddy won't be a le to pick her up. She could be in jail for 25 years.

update: we fixed the sink lol

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I found out why BM couldn't pick up YSD15 at practice. She had told DH that she 'had to get ready for her day.' I guess she had to make her lunch for work the following day. Not sure what kind of lunch she makes, but I or my husband make lunches almost daily for her 2 kids still in high school, and often dinner too. We manage most days, but like I said, I wanted a one time favor from her. 

We fixed the sink BTW. It took 2 nights because DH had to go to Menards to get a tooI. We asked her for the favor on the 2nd night.

BMs new apartment is visible from our backyard

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I haven't blogged in quite some time but this warrants a blog. Seven+ years ago, BM left four VERY DAMAGED kids on the street(literally) for my husband to pick up along with their belongings(ages 17, 14, 9 and 8 at the time). She drive off into the sunset with her boyfriend, now husband and waved goodbye to her crying children. She stole $$$ from SDs bank account(joint account since SD was a minor) to fund the move using the excuse, "I needed it." Fast forward 7+ years. The fabulous husband she dumped her kids for has a drinking problem, possibly abusive and she decided to leave.

Mini wife

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Anyone watch Yellowstone? Is Beth Dutton not the epitome of a mini wife? Don't get me wrong, I love her character. Also when she refers to her 'daddy's' love interest,  she doesn't use her name, Beth refers to the woman as 'her'...same as my adult SDs often refer to me.

Who would get in trouble?

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DH and I went to a wedding out of town last night and SD23 had a couple friends over for pizza and drinks before they went out for the night. I checked in on the cameras to see who was in my house and how they were behaving as I was given barely a moments notice that she was having friends over so I didn't not put things away or lock up my office. I also wanted to be sure that the dog that I am watching was ok. I've seen her be mean to another dog I babysit before, just telling the dog she is ugly and saying mean things. Sd is a piece of work. So insecure that she talks down to a dog.

Typical shit

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The skids will be home soon from their big 48 hrs with bm. I wanted to stop at target for a few things and the cart is full of things for the skids. Every where we go we have to buy them something.  Even Menards, he bought them candy. Cant we just get a few things. Why are we buying school supplies if that was BMs portion of school expenses. I hope you feel better about yourself DH when you buyy things for them. It makes up for being a piss poor parent.

I have 2 items.  Skids have 15. DH forgot his wallet. 

compensating for piss poor parenting

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Hi! It has been months since I have posted. It's nice to see some familiar names and lots of new names too. Same ol shit  here but I have an office with a deck and a pull out couch that is my escape and I am writing my first novel. I have most of it (poorly)outlined and I am working on Chapter 7....I have a long way to go.

I just have a question for those who work in the psychology field or mental health field.
