I'm the blog hog tonight... but check this out!!!!
I have put my foot down tonight and damn, it feels good!! Let me take you back to a couple months ago..
My daughter who is 7 was riding around learning how to skate on heelys just having a good ol time when SD9 walks in from being with BM and has an absolute, freak-out tantrum over my daughter wearing her heelys. She called her mom screaming about it, screaming at her dad that she wants her to take them off RIGHT NOW!! (Also, just for the record, these heelys were tucked away in a closet and had not seen the light of day for at least 6 months, my daughter happened to find the wheels and went for a spin) DHs way of handling this was saying to my SD9 that "if she breaks them he will buy her new ones". Instead of trying to tell her its okay to share things he tries buying her, once more, to stop crying. He also told me that "kids like to have things of their own that nobody should touch and so it made it okay for her to not want anyone wearing heelys that were hers". Ok fine big guy, and I vowed to myself to never forget this. (And, the heelys didnt even fit SD9, thats how long it had been since she cared about them).
In all fairness, okay, they are hers, thats fine.. she didnt want anyone wearing them, thats okay too, but remember..what goes around comes around.. and that came around tonight!!
My sons got Ripsticks for Christmas. If you dont know what those are, they are some type of scary looking skateboard things. 2 wheels.. wobbly wheels like on a grocery cart. Well my boys are at their dads tonight and the precious SDs decided they wanted to ride them. Here it was, my opportunity to make a point. And I bit it!!!!
I said to DH, I want to say this without bringing down the house and starting a war but im not going to hold back this time. I reminded him of SD9s total break down about the heelys awhile back and said "how is this right, she doesnt have to share but mine do"? And for once in my life this man agreed. He went down and also reminded them of that whole thing and took the ripsticks from them and said "next time, ask" Both of the girls started crying and I have no idea why. He asked me to talk to them and I said no way, they cant handle being told no at all, not one little bit and that is your fault, not mine. He then asked them to pick up the basement a little bit and they lost it even more. SD9 yells out that "they dont clean her room when they mess it up" and DH didnt say a word.. and I couldnt help myself.. I marched out to her while she sat there on the couch and told her like it was.
And off she went, I could hear her bawling from upstairs, while my intention wasnt to make her bawl her eyes out, it was simply to make her understand that she doesnt rule the roost and she is done outright ignoring what she is told to do and its high time she finds a different excuse other than it being my kids. She has been in her room since she got done "helping". And that is fine by me!!! I know it wont last, daddy will most likely baby her by the morning, but it was nice to speak my mind. And not one person knew what to say to me.... YOUR TURN, SUCKERS!!!!
- christine77's blog
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You go girl...
This is your house to....You have to have rules and boundaries...Dont let children run the house.....I mean men would let things go all to hell and never see the problem...(sorry men if your on here, i should have said some men)....Fair is Fair and when things dont go there way, sounds like all hell breaks loose..I know it has to be hard to be in a home where you feel you have no say, but you do...This is your home...DH has to see that when the kids are being unfair or not doing there part he is only hurting them..They will grow up to be slobs, have no care for anything and not responsible for their actions....You go girl..TAKE a STAND>>>>>
I love this taking a stand thing
Thanks for reminding me that its my home too. Not that I didnt know that, but its the worst feeling in the world when you dont feel at home in your own home. And I just happen to think that SDs need to understand that it isnt JUST their dads home... I live here too and what I say will go. REGARDLESS of the stupid excuse you wanna spit at me!!!
Its weird, I felt like a got maybe a pinch of control back.. a good feeling, no doubt.
Have you heard a song from Beyonce called "Listen"? Its great, one of the many I like to play as loud as I can around here. Phil Colins "I dont care anymore" and Limp Biskits(?) "my way". I love to use music as my voice, so if you know of any songs by chance, feel free to send them to me..
LOL, I have no idea why I felt the need to share those songs with you...hahahaha... sorry if its not your thing, but music really helps me get my point across sometimes.
Go you!
You did exactaly what you should. I'm proud of you! But seriously, your daughter can't use her heeleys but she can ride all over your son's things? Sorry, we either share and share alike or not at all. And good for you about making her get up and do what she was told. Her dad should have been the one to do that, it's to bad that he didn't! But atleast she knows that SM isn't going to put up with her not doing what she's told anymore. And I'm sure your right, your DH will baby the crap out of her now since the evil SM told her no! Oh well, do you care?
I dont care one bit, I already know he is going to do that, but she sure knows whats gonna fly around me and what isnt. That is the part I love!! Thank you for being proud, its so nice to hear others confirm that I'm not an evil person or crazy. Sometimes I question my sanity, if im taking things too far, but clearly im not. Its the dysfunction he is creating.
It's nice to drop the bomb every now and then. Praises to the BD for standing on his part. Sometimes, this is the problem. Men need and women need to understand we must be UNITED and the kids must know we are the BOSS!
When you let the little things go....they tend to build into BIGGER problems later. Nothing is wrong with dicipline.
I wish I had your courage
I wish I had done that when my SDs were constantly treating their dad and me like doormats. Bravo to you!
As much as I would love to give praises to DH, I just know he is going to baby her to no end, and most likely when im not around. Which, there is nothing I can do about that at all. I would love to be able to look at him and say "thanks for having my back", but I know better. Its a show. Maybe if he were more on board with me, maybe if he tried like that for a significant amount of time I could be more thrilled about it..
I was more just happy for myself for finally speaking up to the little selfish brat. I dont do that very often, definitely not often enough and when I do it, it sure feels good. He will never unite with me and mean it. He will always struggle to pick a side, he will always make sure that those two girls are the happiest alive, a battle I will never win. But nevertheless.. it was nice to show her that her excuses and tantrums and her "I dont have to if I dont want to" attitude will not fly with me anymore. So if she is going to act like a baby who deserves everything, then she had better know not to do it within my sight.
And youre right, the smallest things always turn into the BIGGEST when its left alone. Im trying not to do that anymore.
So proud of you!! at least
So proud of you!!
at least it's a small victory, and definitely helps you regain control!!
I can definately relate to no support from DH. But you did good and you did nothing wrong. No need to let any guilt try to wiggle it's way through.
It was a step for DH. They tend to take the turtle way while we take the rabbit way.
Yes, I agree and have experienced the sympathy behind closed doors while we are not around. The men need to understand, this only causes more damage because the skids know who the parent really sides with and leaves room for more temper tantrums down this LONG MISERABLE PATH TO NOWHERE!