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BM threatening to take DH to court for custody

christinen's picture

Does anything actually work to stop the BM madness? She is threatening to take DH to court for custody of SD3 (they already have joint custody and he has SD every other week for the full week, so 50% of the time). The state we live in tends to side with the mother but BM is just a complete loser so they would be crazy to give her full custody. She lives with her mother, no job, no education, on drugs, whole family is a bunch of wackjobs, she gets food stamps for the kid but refuses to give any to DH (we don't really need it, but it is his kid too & we know she is not spending all that $ on 1 3 year old!) because she says she is not going to "feed me." I have a good job and so does DH, we don't need her to "feed us", it would only be used for the kid, plus it's just the principle. BM lives about 2 hours away from us & yesterday she said if DH wanted her to come drop the kid off (it was their day to switch) he had to PAY her (DH had to work late so he didn't think it was that big of a deal, he drives down there all the time.) She physically threates me (not to my face, of course, but she tells people she's going to "beat my a$$" & she told my on facebook she is going to beat me so bad DH won't recognize me. Of course I printed out the convo so I can take it to court if need be. Any advice on how to handle such a lunatic BM?


DaizyDuke's picture

IGNORE HER! Let her make her threats, but don't respond to them. If you end up in court, so be it, just document everything between now and then. It sounds to me like she is playing Betty Crocker, trying to stir things up.. if she doesn't get any satisfaction out of it, then she will most likely stop or at least tone it down a notch.

sweethoney's picture

If she doesnt tone it down and it ends up in court, make sure you have EVERYTHING in court documents, i.e. who picks him up/drops him off. Make it so she can't call and argue over silly things she can only call for emergencys. I don't think you have a lot to worry about with court just keep track of everything and have evidence to back everything up. hope for the best for you guys!

Rags's picture

Document, document, document. Print everything she sends electronically, says on FB, or , texts etc.... Keep a conversation log of every face to face and telephone conversation she has with you, DH or the Skid. If the kid tells you about something his BM said or did ... write it down with a date and time at the top of the entry.

If it is legal in your state, record the telephone calls. It is legal in Tx without notifying the other party that you are recording. At least it used to be. You will want to check with an attorney or do some research on the recording of telephone conversations in your jurisdiction of residence.

The conversation log/journal may not be directly admissible in court but you can reference while you are on the stand and Judges tend to give more weight to the testimony of someone that keeps compete records of conversations than they do someone who "just remembers".

If this toothless dipshit BM actually takes your DH to court for custody, you will be ready to bare her ass to the judge.

Good luch and enjoy.

Best regards,