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OLD CS Order - After all these years...

BlueberrysBaby's picture

This is really bugging me - it's 3am and I'm sleepless over it.

BM & DH have always had a personal agreement about the CS and he paid her the full amount every month for about 4 years after their divorce, then he was out of work for a long time and since then struggled to pay even their out-of-court agreement, which varied between 1/5 to 1/3 of the court order.

She always threatened to send the court order to his employer whenever she felt he wasn't squeezing out every last dime he could afford - well she tried that a few months ago and the employer told her they wouldn't just automatically deduct because it was too old, incomes had changed, the law has changed, the kids are older (9 years older!) and no - she'd have to collect another way (she didn't tell us any of this - his employer did - very embarrassing for him).

Well I guess she finally picked up on the fact that he's not coming back to her because she's taking the gloves off and throwing out their "gentleman's agreement" and has submitted the order to the state for collection of the full amount. Plus, she says, "hundreds of dollars every month to pay down the back you owe." She's claiming he NEVER paid, which is a flat out lie. The fact of the matter is - with his current income so low, if she collects the full amount, plus any amount of back, he'll bring home about $100 every two weeks.

So here's my question - CAN SHE DO THAT?!? Will the state review the situation before they just willy-nilly start garnishing his wages? I mean, don't they have to consider that 2 of the 3 kids are over 18 now and her income has doubled while his has been cut down? Don't we have a chance to prove that he/we DID pay that 1/3 and even submit her emails as to what she agreed to? (I know that personal agreements don't count, but damn - they should count for something!)

I know she's talking out of her ass about the "hundreds" toward back support because the Consumer Credit Protection Act limits what percentage can come out. I know too that they have to leave the obligor enough to live on. I've also read up on the laws in her state very carefully and know that they've drastically cut the "fee schedule" if you will in the last couple years (the state where they divorced was notorious for HUGE, disproportionate child support orders and thank heaven, it's now been reformed).

I guess what I'm wondering is, will "the state" review the order or give us a chance to submit updated info and payment history or are we going to have to get an attorney and file a modification request? I think she's basically perjuring herself by stating that he never paid and trying to collect for 3 kids when only one is still covered under the order. Any experience or info you've had with this would be most helpful.

An aside... I bet the people in the CS enforcement office look at these old orders when they're turned in after years & years of private payments and shrug, "Looks like dad finally remarried!" LOL

Anne 8102's picture

My DH's ex wanted 1/2 his pay for support. He didn't want to pay that much, it was more than 3x the amount of the state guidelines, but he couldn't afford a lawyer and so the judgment for divorce was entered against him and the judge ordered him to pay 1/2 his paycheck, plus 1/2 of medical bills and assorted other things. By the time all was said and done, he had like a couple hundred dollars to live on each month. He couldn't pay it all, it was too much. Once the divorce was final, though, she calmed down a little and agreed to accept a lesser amount, which he paid faithfully. It came right out of his paycheck and went into her account electronically. This went on for five years and yes, he had documentation, even her SIGNATURE, on letters saying that she agreed to lower the amount and that she appreciated that he was NEVER late and ALWAYS paid the amount they had agreed upon. But as soon as I got pregnant, she went nuts. She found out I was expecting on a Friday and was in her lawyer's office on Monday. A couple weeks later, hubby was served with a lawsuit. She wanted arrears dating back for all five years that he'd paid less than what was in the original order, and actually had claimed that he'd paid nothing. She also asked for several thousand in unpaid medical bills - between their two insurances, there WERE NO unpaid medical bills and, even if there had been any, she never sent them to him. She also asked for the CS to be increased, because "if he can afford to have a baby with her, then he can afford to pay more for OUR children, because THEY CAME FIRST and HE HAS AN OBLIGATION." (What a bitch!) Anyway, the judge ordered them into mediation. The judge actually told us that if we didn't work it out in mediation, then she would have to rule in support of upholding the original order, no matter how old it was and no matter how anyone's income had changed since then, because they hadn't done a formal modification and all the emails and signed letters didn't mean a thing. What a kick in the gut! So at first, the ex wouldn't let him off the hook. She wanted 1/2 his salary for future CS payments, plus I can't even remember how many thousands of dollars in back support and other stuff. I do remember it being a six-figure amount, but I can't remember how much. At one point, when they were getting nowhere and the judge was saying that he owed it and would have to pay it, since there'd been no formal modification, I just snapped. I was eight months pregnant and it had been a long day, during which I was told repeatedly that OUR children didn't matter, only THE FIRST children mattered. Aaarrrggghhh! So I snapped and I told the judge, "Then just take him. Take him and put him in jail, because we don't have the money and we'll never have that kind of money. You can't work out a common sense agreement with an irrational, hostile, hateful, vindictive, jealous person who doesn't want to compromise. So just take him. We have $800/month that we can pay. She can take it or leave it, but she needs to keep in mind that if he's in jail, then there's NO money." Well, the judge took it to her and showed her that our offer was basically all that she would've gotten if they used the state guidelines to calculate the amount and it was that or nothing.

The judge did convince her to take it, so we did "win," I guess, but if she hadn't agreed, then the judge WOULD HAVE upheld the original support order and he would've had to pay all of that back, despite their agreements to lower the amount. All because it hadn't gone through official channels. DH thought he was protected at the time, because he had it from her in writing, but nope. If they didn't do a formal modification through the courts, then that old order is still 100% valid.

Sorry to have gotten so long-winded with this, but I just wanted you to beware. I don't know how things will go down in your neck of the woods, this happened in NC, but be prepared for the worst. It doesn'st matter how old the kids are now, he still owes her for not paying it all back then. By the way, the people who do CS enforcement are probably the only ones who DON'T care if Dad has remarried. They only care about enforcing the orders. You may be in for a long, yucky battle.

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

BlueberrysBaby's picture

I know, Anne. Boy, do I know. My "LOL" was more of a nervous twitter. But I've been thinking all day about our options - how much my DH is worth to me, just how much I can take. He depends on his passport for his job. When she claims these arrears, he'll more than likely lose it. He'll have to get a different job, but hey, I get to have him home more.

It means I won't be able to stay home with our own baby like I'd hoped if/when we ever have one. I'll have to keep working to help support us. It means living poor, dirt poor for a long time. But a BIG part of why I fell in love with him is because he's a survivor, he's from the country like me, and he's been through hell & back and never given up.

So let her have the fu*king money. Take it all. I've STILL got him and that is more than I ever hoped for.

Blueberry's Baby

Anne 8102's picture

If she is awarded anything, they aren't going to make him surrender his passport right off the bat. He'll be given an opportunity to pay it back over time, not necessarily in one lump sum. Also, try to get mediation, rather than going straight before a judge for a judgment. This way, you can negotiate a fair settlement and he possibly won't have to pay back the entire amount. Make sure you point out that if she wasn't happy with the amount she was getting, she could have filed this YEARS ago, thereby mitigating the damages. The way she's doing it makes it look like it's a revenge thing, rather than her needing money for the kids.

Hang in there and keep us posted!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Cruella's picture
