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Feral Forger SD20 and her new job and college classes

CLove's picture

Doesnt that sound like a nice caption, with all kinds of promise for a post about Feral Forger and her New Year - New Leaf, all the possibilities for becoming a better version of herself?

Yeah, well, no. She has been comming to the family vigils over MIL, along with the severely unwelcome Toxic Troll, who sits around, gets in the way and eats all the food.

And has apparently been bragging about her new job and her college classses.

Munchkin SD13 just laughed as she told me (a very humorless laugh), and said that she is definitely NOT taking classes (community college classes started already) and then she told me she has already ben fired from her newest most recent job. Because - failed drug test. Apparently DH took her last week for a routine test to qualify to work, and found out she failed. And didnt want me to know.

Munchkin reported that FF was supposedly babysitting friends who were dropping acid and eating mushrooms. I explained those items were NOT like second hand smoke you have to eat them. Possibly pot can show up if you are around heavy smokers.

Then munchkin SD dropped the next little bombshell "Im tired of Feral Forger telling lies to everyone, they believe her and still want to hang out with her. Well, next time Im going to tell them the tuth. No more 'sweet little sister'."

I swear it was all I could do to not snort out my nose. No more sweet little sister, the gloves are coming off!

Its 3rd day of vigil, and I hope hard they dont show. DHs family was VERY upset that they showed the 2nd day. Dh even got a phone call when we got home. He cannot do anything without causing WW III, plus FF has her DNA hooks in. Ugh, I feel for the famly, they need this time to grieve, and say goodbye. Its not a potluck party.

And to add insult to injury, TT and FF were eating MY food I bought as gift to family.


bearcub25's picture

BM pulls that shit of hanging around DSOs close family funerals and no one has the balls to tell her to leave, including DSO.  I would but then I have to acknowledge her existance and I refuse to give her the satisfaction.  

Good on Munchkin and that she has you to confide in.  Hope your MIL goes peacefully and easily.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

These men are such cowards. If your H won't do it, then someone, ANYONE in the family, should just tell TT to GTF out. Any hurt feelings could be excused by family being in the throes of grief, right?