Genetic Legacy
I got to use this one today.
I just got so mad!Have you ever been so very mad that you were ready to just slash and burn everything (in a rhetorical sense)?
Yes, I know that I created the situation, but I really and truly thought that Munchkin SD14 was DIFFERENT from her sister SD22 Feral Forger and BM Toxic Troll.
I had promised to help her get her school on track and after working with her since DECEMBER, I am d.o.n.e. I am so done, you can stick a fork in me. Im so done I want really nothing to do with her except hello, goodbye, good morning and good night. No trips, no shopping, no fun workshops, no lunches out.
She is again behind. I took a few steps back and then stepped back in and shes behind and telling me "I feel like I dont have time to do anything anymore, Im really overwhelmed. But Im doing pretty good..."
Which is sort of true. A, B and C's. But a load of missing assignments. Late assignments. Still failing orchestra. She will end up with c's. OK FINE.
Lets see...what could be taking up so much time? Drama with Toxic Troll and Feral Forger? Nope. All wrong.
Well, Ive checked the phone records and she has been spending a minimum of 2 hours on the phone every day to a friend she has in the midwest. Not to mention the daily texts. But she cannot seem to return a text or an email. And cannot seem to get her schoolwork done.
One day logged 13.5 HOURS. Last night logged 4 HOURS.
I told DH all this BS of her not responding, ignoring, was making me super angry. Honestly I havent been this angry in a while. I have only 2 choices. Cut her off emotionally so her dramas dont affect me emotionally and I dont even care enough to take her phone or install a blocking app, or take the phone away/shut off service.
He gave me full authority, after offering to sell the rabbit and lizard (and me refusing thats just not me, no matter how angry I am) to turn off her service while shes with her mother.
I told him..."If she wants to follow her Genetic Legacy of being an a$$hole like her mother and sister, then so be it, Im finally mad enough to be done."
I texted her "ok, well no response to an email and text. I am really over this treatment. Im turning the phone off."
Munchkins response: "If you are going to be rude with your passive agressive comments, I dont want your help anymore"
what she fails to realize is she doesnt have much of a choice. When I am done Im done.
- CLove's blog
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If I can help talk you off
If I can help talk you off the ledge a teeny bit here. Please don't take what she is doing (not doing) Personally. She isn't slacking off.. wasting time with her friend to spite you. It's really a lot more likely that she has a hard time prioritizing and with immediate gratification.
I had a similar experience with my YSD when she was 17. She was a great student.. zero behavior issues.. so responsible.. and she even arranged her remote learning so she could graduate early.. take some college online and go to work.
But.. follow through? ughhhh.. the snapchat marathons she participated in.. the 4 week class that turned into months.. the finding "anything" to do before her school work. The "teacher hates me" me trying to follow up with her long distance every day.. log on check her work.. and she was always shining me on about what she had done or left to do.
but.. you know what? that was a super tough dynamic. She (and we) probably underestimated how isolating that was... and she craved that contact with her friends.. snapchatting and texting away. This was the first time she was able to "make her own schedule" and she fell into some traps there... and as a teen.. got resentful of my poking her along.
I finally backed off and told her.. look.. you wanted this.. you finish it.. it is up to you.. and she eventually did get it done. She is now a very successful young professional... and while she can still juggle and procrastinate.. she learned a little about herself in the process.
I think the bigger issue is that neither of her parents are able or willing to pick up the rope.. and you feel morally obligated to do it... and you like her.. feel sorry for her. I don't blame you.
but... at some point you do have to admit that she is her own person and will need to sink or swim on her own. Lots of kids are in her exact or worse position right now. Hopefully when In person resumes.. she will get caught up.. or have to repeat a grade.. worse things have happened.
I needed that.
Im just mad at the treatment more than anything. I will allow myself to cool off, and take several steps back.
I might not even be able to turn off the phone because then she has no hot spot at her mothers house and cannot log into class without it.
Its her treatment of me more than the missing assignments. Ignoring me is disrespectful and I always thought at least she was respectful.
But you are so right. She needs to be her own person. My anger will pass, I need to get out of "slash and burn scorched earth" modality. Its not a good look.
Believe me.. there were times
Believe me.. there were times when I would want to spit nails myself... and it's a lot easier to look back through the fuzzy lens of several years time and with the knowledge that she is a very responsible and successful adult.
I might consider having limited hot spot hours.. cutting it off after a certain time in the evening.. so to limit some of her "at will" fun stuff at night.
My SD got what I would call "sassy" with me a few times.. I was not amused either.
But... I'm not sure it is meant personally.. and maybe with a little distance and time you can see that things worked out eventually anyway.
Spitting Nails right now
thanks for recognizing this.
There is another option, with Verizon. For about 10$ extra per month we can have time restrictions on everything. On our regular plan I can block a number calling in, but not calling out. For 5$ extra per month, I can block her from calling someone and do phone tracking.
I was just so mad that I dont want to have to police things with her anymore, because she always has the ability to uninstall the app. Especially not on our dime.
14-year-old girls are fairly
14-year-old girls are fairly rotten human beings; but it's not abnormal for her to want to spend more time with her friend than on school work.
Honestly, it doesn't really work to manage a kid's school, even with your bio kid, and definitely not with your stepkid that has two parents who do bupkis to help her.
Can you back off into a civil and pleasant role and no longer try to save Munchkin? Also, why do YOU pay for her phone?
Nope. its REALLY not working.
Nope. Toxic Troll is filng for full custody and DH said "ok, she can go live with her mother".
Munch is telling her mother, supposedly, that I "harrass her while shes in her room". Shes backstabbing. Is that normal for 14 almost 15?
It is when they have a mother
It is when they have a mother like TT.
I bought the phone
And sometimes DH reimburses me for the service. Or we trade.
And Munch showed her my texts which were not that terrible.
But apparently Ive been "harrassing her in her room" yep the same room that I bought a nice bed set for.
IM now super heartbroken and super mad.
I once raised my voice at SS
I once raised my voice at SS - ONCE, in all our years with him visiting, ONE TIME, and it wasn't even a yell, I was just sick of him going on about nonsense BM had told him and didn't even say anything mean, or discipline him, just basically said, "it's fine, do whatever you want to do". And he ended up telling BM I yelled at him, and it came out in court. I was a master at disengagement and letting DH handle everything, and the one time I get frustrated, he tells BM. lol
These kids are big tattletales when they know it will get them rewards from crazy Mom.
Shes a tattler all right
And to be fair, she tattles on everyone.
No none of my texts to her were bad. Now shes accusing me of harrassing her. Being rude in my texts.
Im more p!ssed than ever. ADd heartbroken. YOUR SS. Geeze what a wimp.
I though Munch was smarter than that. I guess not.
SO Ive printed out her grades from the gradebook, and the phone records that show times on the phone and texting times too.
Kids will curry favor with
Kids will curry favor with people when they feel like it gets them somewhere. She may or may not be doing it in as blatant of a fashion.. the BM mind has a way of twisting things that are relayed into a bigger pile of poop than necessary as well.
That's another issue though... if Munchkin feels she will be living with her mom and relying on her and having to deal with her.. she may well do and say things that show loyalty to mom.. whether she 100% feels that way or not... it's a self preservation reaction.
with all love and kindnes
not your circus..not your monkey....repeat after me...not your circus not your monkey.
Your DH needs to handle this..not you. As much as you love munchin....still not your fight. If DH can't/won't whatever that is on them...her parents. You can "help" if you want to but it seems you are more invested that either of her parents. While it is hard ot watch the impending train wreck..better to be the spectator than being on the tracks with them.
Filing full custody
Whelp, I am truly done done done.
She is telling her mother that I am harrassing her in her room.
Im actually heartbroken although i should have known this was ahead.
I feel like Im on the tracks right now.
I have been reading your
I have been reading your blogs this last year and seeing some parallels with munchkin's struggles with virtual schooling and those of my sd12. I have gone back and forth and helping and not helping. My husband is fairly useless at being consistent and refuses to limit sd's internet useage to help her focus on school work, he also refused to really impose any real consequenses on sd's late work or her low grades (we were sympathetic with the first lot of f's as this is all new etc..etc..).
Over all one of this the most fustrating thing has been sd's sullenness and rudeness when I have been trying to help. SD's attitude was pretty bad and I have blown up at her a few times this year. The last time it was really bad, I managed to get her to apologize to me afterwards (that was tough as she generally fails to do this) and it helped me to feel less resentful towards her. Her attitude has been a bit better since then.
I am ok accepting many things, but I will not accept disrespectful behavior, that is my line in the sand. And when I feel disrespected I feel like you do and just want to throw my hands up and walk away. This year though I have realized that I physically cannot as the urge to help prevent a very capable child fail because her father is unable to be consistent is overwhelming. I have reasoned to myself too that it is helpful to my future if sd does not fail highschool as then hopefully she will launch in a timely manner and go on to lead a self-sustaining lifestyle (unlike her mother).
I also have to keep reminding myself that sd is only 12 and even then she is less mature than I think a lot of 12 year olds are in a lot of ways. I feel that all of the issues with her mother and the divorce have retarted her maturity in someways. She is also limited as to her social interactions right now to online friendships - so I can see the wisdom in ESMODS words above. Plus we have BM telling sd that grades are "only letters and don't matter".
These all contribute to why she is incapable of being responsible for her school work without regular check-ins. Sometimes it is easy to think that she is just being obstinate and difficult, but I have to remind myself that there are many contributing factors to this and try to find some empathy. The empathy is harder to find though when she is being rude towards me and seems to reject my assistance.
I am thankful though that sd is with us 100% during the school year, this means I don't have to deal with sd regularly falling behind on BM's time like you do.
See my newest latest and greatest
She showed my texts to Toxic Troll and tells her that I "harrass her in her room".
So, I am being forced to step back and completely be done.
Toxic Troll is filing for full custody. Everything just blew up in my face and she is backstabbing and twisting and telling out and out lies. The good news is I will not have much to contribute as to new items, just be here to support those going through it.
Sometimes no matter what you
Sometimes no matter what you do you nature will win over nurture. I learned this with YSD. I thought she would be different than OSD as she was younger and exposed earlier to normalcy.
But I found out it didn't matter. As she nearest 13 she began down the very same road I watched her sister down. Because like you I was the strong alpha presence trying to maintain the rules and boundaries. I became the target. Which is not abnormal for any teen.
The problem lies in having a parent who sees an opportunity to place themselves in the limelight with the child by encouraging, supporting and justifying said teens rebellion.
That's when your efforts become futile and you are just spinning your wheels because you will not change or accomplish anything.
I'm sorry I can completely
I'm sorry I can completely understand what you are going through. I think what hurts the most is there is no loyalty from these kids. You think they would at least care enough not to throw you under the bus, but nope they don't and they do every single time.
We went through the same thing with Spawn. Things would appear fine life would be going along and then BAM! Spawn would throw us under the bus about something and Meth Mouth would be on the war path. It also gets harder the older they get because now you know they understand what they are doing, they aren't just kids anymore.