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It is amazing what a call the school uncovers...

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

DF called the SDs school on his break. He just got off the phone with me and he is super pissed. We now know what happened with the pictures. Apparently, SD9 did take the pics back to school. However, one of BM's other brats, had gotten them and tore a bunch of the pictures up. The company is wanting to be paid for the pictures that are damaged. Here is the funny part: The amount due is $21.14. That is so different from what BM told us. And DF decided that he should speak to SD7's teacher while he was on the phone. He has been suspicious that she has been missing school. So he talked to her teacher. SDs have missed close to 26 days of school this year so far! SD7's teacher told him that SD7 is only at school 4 out of every 5 days. And, she has forgotten her bookbag four times in the last two weeks. The teacher says she sent emails and called BM to bring the bookbag but she doesn't answer. As a result, SD7 has gotten zeroes on any work that was not turned in. DF was furious. He told me that he is going to call and chew out BM when he gets home from work. I don't blame him. This crap is ridiculous. And, if you listen to BM, the girls are doing perfectly in school...


step off already's picture

That's horrible about the school. I don't know what schedule your SDs are on but here our kids attend school for about 180 days a year and they currently have 50 days left to go. Even if those girls attend every day from now on, they've already missed nearly 20% of the total number of school days.

Mercury's picture

My dh recently found out that bm took him off the school call list. He had to put his name back on it. He never would have known if she hadn't admitted to it in a completely unrelated argument. Up til then, he assumed that if he didn't hear anything, all was well.

overworkedmom's picture

My kids school district has a very strict policy that over 15 missed days is an automatic failure. I had Mono in high school (same district as I went to) and missed almost 3 weeks because it was so severe, I had to have a case heard before the school board to allow me back in school even though I still kept my grades up and was completing makeup work at home. You should really check the district policy on it.

spittenfire's picture

The school hotlined our BM due to 12 missed days in one semester! Educational neglect, I am not sure how the school has not hotlined her to Childrens protective services for 26 missed days, esp since they are mandated reporters. Perhaps they should be reminded of that. Of course you could hotline her as well now that you know.