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i need a nickname!!!!

confidentdreamer's picture boyfriend and i moved in together and i have now had the pleasure of meeting his two wonderful boys ages 3 and 9. Their bm understandably does not want them calling me mom which she made very apparent the first time we met. The problem is that my name is Dani and when the boys call either my name or "Daddy" it sounds the same, especially the youngest. My boyfriend thought maybe letting them call me mom in a different language but im pretty sure the bm wouldnt be ok with that is mom no matter what language its in. Being a BM myself i know how hard it is to hear your own child call someone else mom so i would really like to find something else. I understand that they will eventually come up with their own name for me but i need something till then. Please help!


confidentdreamer's picture

I had a friend suggest the same thing and as cute as it may be i had an aunt we called deedee and she was pure evil...being a "stepmom" has enough of an evil sound to it all on its own lol. Thank you tho!! I really appreciate the sugestion Smile

lucky2bme87's picture

Talking about being called "mom" reminds me of the time my SD7 called me "mommy" last year, before I even married her father...kinda creeped me out. But the MIL advised me just to go along with it, but what if I don't want to??? I would never call someone who isn't my mom "mom," not even my MIL. I don't really feel all that close to SD, and she hasn't called me that in a while now. I like just being called by my first name. Yeah, maybe try your middle name or a variation of that.