I am 'the wrong hands'
I knew BM2 wouldn't behave and shut up for long. It ended this weekend when she came to England and took SS for a visit. It ended up from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon, which is good for SS. I guess.
So she comes to drop him off Sunday afternoon. Before I come home from work, of course. She only stood in the little entry way. However, geography doesn't stop the little tramp from being what she is.
The damn will came up again. Has DH done his will yet? He should take care of this asap. After all "we wouldn't it all to fall into the wrong hands!" Me. I am the wrong hands. Ya know, because I'm only his wife and don't count. Sh*t on the bottom of the world's shoes.
DH looked her dead in the eyes and said: "No, WE don't want it all to get in the wrong hands, do we?" and looked down at her hands.
I honestly love this man. I don't know when and how he found his backbone with this tramp but I do enjoy it.
She just shut right up and left...and got into Mr. I Own The Pub's car. Same guy she had on tow last year. This Thursday she's going back home where Mr. Cyprus is waiting. Classy. So classy.
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Well didin't you know?
Well didin't you know? Apparently pushing the first born out of your uterus gives you a golden uterus and therefore full rights to absolutely anything the ex may come accross in his life that she wants... *GAG*
SS15 is not the first born
SS15 is not the first born and she is not the first wife. DH married BM1 first and they had two children together. Then they divorced, remarried and divorced again.
So SS15 is THIRD born and BM2 is technically DH's THIRD marriage. In her world, though, she is the only (ex)wife that counts and SS15 is the only real child. She acts like she and SS were first.
She could fall off a damn cliff... I really wouldn't mind
*the only non-wife that
*the only non-wife that counts
Maybe Karma will do the honors and you'll get your wish
I only ask that she takes our BM with her 
LOL you got yourself a deal!
LOL you got yourself a deal!
Not likely
She has no chance of getting anything in his will under british law anyway. Inheritance laws go according to where you are resident. You as his wife would inherit. Even with no will. It takes longer to sort out if theres no will as it goes to probate but you just need your marriage certificate and presto!
I love the way this woman is so ignorant and also i love the way your DH handled it.
There is nothing to will yet.
There is nothing to will yet. We both started completely over 6.5 years ago, literally. Came to England with a suitcase each as all of our worldy possessions. The house is rented, some of the furniture is ours and the car is in my name. That was done because of BM2. If DH died tomorrow, I could send her half of his underwear drawer if she wanted lol.
It's when FIL dies that she's licking her lips and rubbing her greedy hands together. DH is an only child and will inherit all. By no means will he become a millionaire but he/we will have enough to buy a house and leave a decent amount in the bank. THAT is what she is after.
BM2 has an apartment in Cyprus she owns and that's it. No savings, no retirement fund and she's been out of England so long she can't even claim the state retirement allowance. So she views DH as a fast track to money.
Since I don't count and am not a legitimate wife or partner or human being really, none of it should be left to me. She basically suggests that when DH inherits and he does his will, most of it should go to her. She literally said to DH last year that only a small portion should go to me because I've only known DH for such a short time. She's known him over 20-some years and they have a child together.
Well, perhaps she should've thought about that before she divorced DH 11 years ago because she was going on to bigger and better things i.e. a man with more money. All of that has completely backfired. She cheats on Mr Cyprus constantly and his own BM won't let him marry BM2 because she sees her for the gold digging hoar she is.
So she has eyes on DH and his dying father as her golden ticket to fix the life she keeps F'ing up.
BioHo tried dangling herself
BioHo tried dangling herself as a prize in front of my DH. Sorry, skank, but you're like a tire that's been used so much, the tread is gone and it's about to fly apart like an old semi tire.
More like a blown tire you
More like a blown tire you see sitting on the side of the road because it's already flown apart...
A very worn out tire with a
A very worn out tire with a very big center hole...that things fall out of cuz it's so used up. Like slime and cockroaches and maybe a few scared and lost animals...
A very worn out tire with a
A very worn out tire with a very big center hole...
Thank you for the laugh!!!
You're quite welcome. Any
You're quite welcome. Any time
Like throwing
a hot dog down a hallway.
or a toothpick down a black
or a toothpick down a black hole...
Aaaaaand I just spat coffee
Aaaaaand I just spat coffee across my desk!!
Did she expect DH to agree
Did she expect DH to agree with her? Wtf. BMs are so weird.
She has pestered him about
She has pestered him about making a will since I've moved to England with DH. She just wants money. She is alllllllll about money...and she doesn't have any of it. She's as broke AF.
Left DH for Mr Canada but while applying to immigrate there, she got a ticket in Cyprus. Lied about it on the application, Canada found out, denied the application and banned her for 10 years. There went that jackpot.
Been with Mr Cyprus on and off since leaving DH. He still lives with her, when she hasn't kicked him out. Has a family business with Mommy and brothers that does very well. Mommy told him if he marries BM2, he's out of the business and disowned. Mommy knows what a money grubbing mongrel BM2 is. So there goes that jackpot.
She's now grasping at straws, trying desperately to get the money DH will inherit. She views me as the only thing in her way of finally getting the money she deserves. Nevermind that she's treated DH like crap since she divorced him and he watches her spread her legs for any man that might toss a few coins her way.
Nope. All my fault. Of course.
Why does she think she would
Why does she think she would get anything of your DH's, will or no will?
She said to DH last year that
She said to DH last year that she should get more because she's known him longer and they have SS15 together. I should only get a small bit because I've only known him for 4-5 years. It's been 9 but that's not the point. Going by her f'ed up logic, BM1 should get the most...she had 2 children with DH and has known him since 1974 lol.
She just honestly thinks she deserves the lion's share of the money. Because she's known him longer than me, because what they had was special, because they have a child together. That's the reasons she gives DH over and over again.
Mainly I think it's because she is a Golden Uterus bipolar narcissistic greedy wh*re nut job that is seriously delusional and mentally ill.