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So fed up with SD not eating!

corgimom's picture

This child is crazy! SD5 won't eat anything but macaroni and cheese, pb&j's, cereal, breakfast food, grilled cheese, and JUNK! Last night I made meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes, and she didn't touch it. For lunch, I heated up some chef boyardee lasagna, and she didn't touch it and threw it away when I wasn't looking. Are you kidding me? What kid doesn't like chef boyardee? What kid doesn't like pizza? I'm at a loss what to do. It's driving me insane and I'm seriously sick of it. DH is tired of it too, but not so much that he won't give into her so she eats something. It's not that she doesn't like food. She refuses to TRY anything.



corgimom's picture

Well she doesn't eat the food DH cooks either, lol.. and we have full custody and they haven't been to BM's house in over a month. But I know for a fact that BM lets them pick what they want to eat. SD5 just refuses to eat anything that she doesn't get to pick. Beee

The Santa Claus thing is a good idea.

stpmom2b's picture

Sounds like my skids. They like mac and cheese, pizza, mcDonald's, icecream and sometimes hotdogs. The Dr. actually told BM and DH that they were starting to get malnourished. All they want is candy and snack protein. BM says she makes healthy food, but I think her version of healthy is chicken nuggets and goldfish crackers lol

I think most kids go through a stage where they don't like to try new things. Even if it has ingredients that I know they like, if it looks different, has a weird texture, is a strange color, has specks of something in it, etc, they won't try it.

We make them something that we know they like, set a timer and make them sit there until the timer goes off. If they don't eat, they don't get a fun snack later. They can have fruit and that's it if they get hungry. We have found that letting them help cook sometimes helps as well. We also praise heavily for trying new things and that is starting to work for one of them at least! Good luck!

Francesca's picture

I have the same problem. I have banned candy and chips now until she starts eating real food. She's had nothing but milk today (I used almond milk). Momma still gives her a bottle. She will eat pizza and chicken nuggets at a restaurant. Nothing I cook. Last night she said she wanted momma'a food. Tired.

stpmom2b's picture

Isn't that frustrating when they pull the "I want Mommy's____________"? Fill in the blank with anything, because anything at BM's house is better than what we have! Movies, food, soap, toys, carpet, anything! lol I get so frustrated, I sometimes just have to walk away to avoid saying something mean about BM. It's tiring to try so hard only to get rejected Sad

Anywho78's picture

My SD had the same issue when she was 5...she's now 7 and does well with eating. We (FDH & I) started taking her plate when she claimed to be full or not hungry (telling her that there would be no snack if she did not eat). She then did not get snacks...this wasn't with antything "yucky"...just normal food. Once she started eating a few bites, her leftoevers would be served as snack while her brother got something specially yummy...didn't take too long for her to cave Smile

She does live with us though, so that probably helped because there's not another home with different rules.

Kay2's picture

Yep, when I was little. if I didn't eat what was served at dinner, my plate was saved. When I got hungry I was offered my plate of leftovers, if I didn't want it... tough. I didn't get anything else until that plate was eaten.

ConfusedAndFrustrated's picture

My SS9 was almost 4 when his dad and I got together, and was also very picky. I think for a lot of them it's just a phase. All he wanted was peanut butter, chicken nuggets, french fries, or dinty moore beef stew (lol.. I have no idea on that one).. anyway, we would actually take a little microwave thing of the beef stew to thanksgiving and christmas dinners because he didn't want anything else. He finally grew out of it and gradually started trying new things. He's still a little picky, but not enough to really complain about. If he doesn't want something it's usually because he actually tried it and legitimately didn't like it.
Hang in there..

oneoffour's picture

In NZ you have breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. End of story.

So my kids wanted something they had to wait until the designated time. If you didn't eat your lunch you had to miss afternoon tea and wait until dinner.

One time my sister decided she wasn't going to eat anymore. After 2 days my mother shut up the house and put on a leg of lamb to roast. Then she added roasted potatoesd and roasted squash. And then the peas with mint sauce ... my sister was salivating at the table.

Just keep offering her healthy food and only water in between. If she doesn't wast it, too bad. It is all about control. And who is in control?

And ditch the snacks.

Totalybogus's picture

My stepkids did this in the beginning to. I told them this was not burger king and they couldn't have it their way. They either eat what is on the table or they don't eat at all.... AND I FOLLOWED THROUGH.

this was my rule even with my own children. I also insisted that they at least try new foods. If they didn't like it they didn't have to eat it They could fill up on the other two things served with the same meal.