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Cover1W's picture

I was forwarded an email exchange about SD9 homework issues by DP.

Teacher: What are your expectations for SD9 to do her homework? She only completed about 20% of her homework...etc., etc...On Valentine's Day she did not bring her Valentine's for classmates, as she said she left them in DP car...etc., etc.

BM: "SD9 has time at the after school program Mon/Tues to do homework. SD9 also says she has time during SD11 after school class. I know that Thurs is not a good night...She may also be doing her homework, but not handing it in."

DP: "I am concerned about SD9 homework. Whenever I ask her if she has homework, she almost always says she’s already finished it. Today, for example, we have a window to do homework...but SD9 tells me she finished her homework this morning...It’s hard for me to tell if she’s telling me the whole story about the homework she needs to be doing."

Me to DP: "Ok, so I am not surprised. Thanks for forwarding this. You know that I think she's been telling some fibs about things lately, and this is one of them.
She knows what to say to get you not to ask more about it. I used to pull her school folder out of her bag and look at what she needs to do. That is what you need to do. Get her bag and look at what she's done. Sit her down and have her work on it. Use the time on your commute to school, period, unless you can confirm it's completed. 20% is not acceptable at all, especially if she says it's too easy."

OMG – BM and DP, for real?!

Teacher responds this morning with basically the exact. same. thing. I said.


Ninji's picture

The good ole "During the work but not turning it in" We hear that every time SO questions BM about missing homework. Funny thing is SS tells us he isn't doing it. Wonder who's lying. Smile

Sorry, but I think it's funny that your DP says that it's hard to tell if she's telling the whole story about homework. Like you said, OPEN the bag and look. :?

misSTEP's picture

IKR? Isn't it Parenting 101 to tell and not ask because you don't want to give the s/kids opportunities to lie?

If the child believes that nobody is going to check up on what they say, it is a lot easier to tell a two second lie than to actually DO the homework!

Lillian23's picture

I will admit that while I was a good student, I definitely lied to my mom about homework/school projects. She was a single, working mom and rarely checked. Looking back on that time of my life (probably starting around grade 4-5 and through high school) I think to myself, WHY did she never check?? It was SO easy for me to skip assignments here and there, or leave things to the last minute, but still get pretty good (A/B, the occasional C in Math) grades.

Knowing how easy it is to lie and generally get away with it, I am ON SS7 about homework/projects while he's here. My SO is, of course, also an enforcer, but I'm usually the first one to check the folder after school. I definitely worry about SS7 learning how to play me, SO, and BM...hopefully putting the fear of God in him now will create good habits in the future!

Cover1W's picture

Ah, I was ok commenting on the email.
In no way will I follow up on it any longer however. I put it firmly back into his court. I don't do much monitoring of SDs any longer, for reasons that will be explained.