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Last Day of "Vacation"

Cover1W's picture

And I'm toasted. Done.

I laughed recently when DP said this will be a good vacation, insinuating that it would be relaxing: 1) my family, mostly my parents 2) a couple wedding prep things to do and 3) the SDs.

I was right! I am in a resort room now (two days paid for by DP for all of us) alone for the first time in a week.
My parents were nutty and difficult as usual. Stayed with my sisters fam which is no issue but still requires groceries and clean up. DP disappeared for an Entire Day and had another almost two days to do what he wanted (which I knew about before, but the All Day Event was supposed to be one half day). He knew I was maaad.

SDs have been pretty great this trip. But come to me for almost everything. I've been redirecting them to DP as much as possible but still. I went to what was supposed to be an early breakfast by myself so I could leisurely read and drink coffee this morning, but not five min after I got there SD12 and my niece (who is great) slide into the table with me. Apparently SD12 really wanted to have breakfast with me. I suppressed a groan...

After breakfast though DP made sure I have an appointment at the resort spa this evening. And he promised to do a weekend alone together next month.

While it's been a good and easy trip I do value and need some alone time because I rarely get it.

Looking forward to getting home tomorrow!


Cover1W's picture

Nah, he made it up to me for taking more time than we planned. I'm ok with it at this point.
The redeeming thing of this vaca is the SDs have been good to be around. I had my day off from them yesterday at the pool! Followed by a massage. And then time alone with DP at the adult pool with the bar. He got it.