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dad'swife's picture

I'm just curious...How many of you, with grown SKs (or not) would babysit their children (step grandkids)?

My SD had a baby and she has asked us more than once to babysit because she goes to school on the weekends. I sometimes don't mind because its so she can go to school, but I would like to have a weekend to ourselves as well. DH says he plans on telling her after the next time that she needs to find a sitter.

So, would you do it?


Kilgore SMom's picture

that would depend on the relationship you have with SD. A grandparent should only have to babysit when they want too. But since SD is going to school and trying to better her self. i could see where she may need the extra help. Sometimes young people take advantage even when they don't mean to. You need to communicate about when your available to babysit.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

It depends on the relationship with Skid whether I would babysit for them. If they try to use the S-Grands as a weapon than NO WAY.

But if they encourage the S-Grands to have a loving relationship with me than absolutely but only when I wanted to and was comfortable with doing so.

The same would go for my bio-Grandkids.

Elizabeth's picture

The way things stand right now, no way. SD19 in no way acknowledges my existence nor the existence of our two bios (her half-sisters). She only uses her dad for money and I'm sure would be glad to use him as a babysitting service. But I will never ever do it unless her attitude toward me does a complete 180 and I don't EVER see that happening.

hismineandours's picture

this is the way I feel. SS is almost 15-so no kids-thank god I cant imagine!-but if he were to have one in a few years-which my guess is he will if he can find some poor girl to sleep with him-then no, I will not be babysitting. He would also have to do a 180 before I'd even feel comfortble with him at my doorstep again much less watching a helpless infant that belongs to him. Ohhh, I dont even like thinking about it. It would be best not to get attached to any child that he has.

oldone's picture

On a regular basis - never, ever, ever. I won't even housesit my dog's siblings except in an emergency - and I adore them.

ThatGirl's picture

SD24, her husband, and GS live next door to us. I love them like my own. I don't mind babysitting GS here and there so they can have a night out or whatever, in fact I enjoy it! But, I wouldn't want to do it on a regular basis. Just as I never expected my mother to babysit for anything other than the rare occasion.

The biggest problem I'm going to have is when the other skids breed. I can't stand the others, and can honestly say that I don't believe I'll want anything to do with their children.

oneoffour's picture

Does she ask you to bbsit every weekend she is in school? Or are you the backup plan? Does she have a plan? Where is the baby's father?

We watch my g/kids and as I get along with my ssons if/when they decide to settle down I would bbsit from time to time. However if there EVER was the expectation that we were sitting around waiting to watch kids then there would be a discussion that we have lives as well and as we work all week our weekends are pretty valuable.

Who agrees to watch the child? And when do you get the 'help me!' call? Thursday or Saturday morning?