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SD going to grandmas tonight.......HEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!!!

daisy0202's picture

So DH knows i have been stressed about our issues. I have been pretty quite, loosing weight (which is good) but not this way, and just feeling yuck about all this shit. So when i got home last night he tells me can your mom take BS tomorrow night because SD is going to my moms for the night. I was like ahh I'm sure she can why? I think we need some more alone time. Also every Wed. she is going to stay at my moms and maybe Fridays, I think we all need some time apart from SD and maybe this will get her to realize things need to change. I am not sure if this is good or not. Will SD think she is being put out because of me, I do not want that, I feel this might get her worse but at the moment I just need time away from her more than I am getting. Is that horrible? Sometimes I feel bad that I cant stand this child. I mean she is a child with many issues. God if I knew then what I know now the moment I meet DH I would be like ahhhhh NO WAY!!!!!! Would be alot easier....


The_devil_woman_apparantly's picture

My ss7 and sd3 go to their grandmothers every Friday and Saturday and when they come home it's worse than when they left they come home with no manners, filthy, and just horribly behaved sometimes I think it would be less stress if they stayed home all though the quiet time is nice the whole taking a week to get their behavior back to where it should be sucks

ThatGirl's picture

I think it's a great idea. The girl needs to understand that her behavior is unacceptable and that no one (including her father) wants to be around her when she continues to act this way.

Is her GM aware of her issues and willing to give her some tough love, or will spoil the poor baby?

imthewife's picture

I agree with Ripley. She needs to understand that dad and Sm have "options" about her living arrangements.

She has a mom. And even though you have states what is up with is nothing a court of law would take the child away from her over. That is jsut about impossible to do.

The child has a BM and she can go see her or any other relative. The time is well past due to get this kid in check.

The only other suggestion is a psych eval and admittance...