Really hating this step-mom thing
This is kind of a long story but, here it goes. I met my husband five years ago and we got married three years ago. He had 4 children but, one died of drug overdose at age of 23. The other three are currently 21,13, and 14. Almost three years ago the birth mother dies of a drug overdose. Which left my husband and I with the children. YIPPIE!! The 21 year old is a drug addict also. But, luckily doesn't live with us. Thank God! The 14 year old is PDD NOS which means hes special needs. The 13 year old has emotional problems . Cries at the drop of a hat. I have really stepped in it here let me tell ya. When I married him I never thought the bitch would die and leave me doing her job. And trust me she was a bitch. Shes the one who got her kids on drugs. Terrible mother. Now I'm left to pick up the pieces. When we first got the two boys they were absolutely rotten. They had no supervision at her house and acted like animals. I (not my husband ) have managed to get them where they are now well behaved for the most part and are doing great in school. His parenting skills are almost as bad as hers were. I'm not the best parent in the world but, I know whats right and wrong. When we first got these kids the special needs one attacked me at least half a dozen times. I mean scratching, biting ,pulling hair,kicking. It's been over a year since the last episode but, I'm having difficulty liking the kid. Alright I can't stand the little jerk weed.I'm really trying to let it go but, its hard. I'm angry with mother for being so selfish and angry at my husband for not sticking by me. I feel like it's me against them now because anything I say like you need to eat your vegetables before you get any treats, I get well, their not your kids so don't worry about it. So, I'm allowed to babysit,clean,cook,taxi,and praise them but, not correct them. I'm getting very frustrated and just can't wait till their 18 so I can have a life again. Unfortunately the special needs one is like a five year old. If he doesn't put him in a home when he's 18 I will leave I have been through enough and have taken it pretty well but, at 18 he goes or I go. Anyone think I'm evil?
- daniellehand74's blog
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Has dh gotten the minors
Has dh gotten the minors INTENSE professional help? I don't think you're evil but I think these kids need big time help that they're not getting.
They have been to counseling.
They have been to counseling. But, didn't like it so stopped going I think we all need it. it seems like no one sees it from my point of view they think I'm mean because I want them to do chores and eat healthy foods. Including the dad he tells them I'm the meanest step mom in the world which does not help at all. How can i be a parent if he won't let me.
I tell him he's got one kid
I tell him he's got one kid dead, his ex is dead and his 21 year old will be if he keeps doing drugs. I want to make sure the other two have a better upbringing. I know I'm not always patient with his special needs child but, he's a real pain in the ass. his dad teaches him nothing just expects him to be stupid .I know what the kid is capable of . he has no physical limitations. just mental .I'm not expecting him to be a rocket scientist. Just to listen and behave and have some respect for me. But, not getting help from dad is the problem. they can't figure out why i really don't like the kid. I told them how much would you like someone if they attacked you half a dozen times. I'm really trying to get over it but its hard. My husband wants me to be lovey dovey with his kids. I told him never gonna happen. their not my blood and we got them when they were 10 and 11 they know who their parents are and they think the world of their mother even though she chose drugs over them and as a result is no longer here. I guess I have a lot of resentment towards her for doing this to all of us. SHE SUCKS BALLS