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Having a hard time

Dogmom23's picture

I feel horrible because I am having a really hard time dealing with the fallout from my second marriage. He turned SD9, her sister and BM against me. I had given everything to him emotionally and financially and he told BM and her daughters the most personal details about our marriage. I feel shame and humiliation and I did not feel this in my first divorce.


tog redux's picture

Abusers will continue to try to abuse you after a divorce - please find a good therapist to help you through this. It's best that you not have contact with anyone associated with him anyway.

Perhaps your first husband was not abusive and was able to divorce in a more civil manner.

Maxwell09's picture

It's his only way of lashing out. The BM should know better and the skids will eventually know the truth. Try not to let what they believe hurt you because that's exactly what he wants: to hurt you and to also not look like the bad one in the divorce. Ignore his attempts to get a rise out of you and although it's going to be hard, ignore the feeling of trying to correct misinformation he is spreading because it only ramps up the drama. The people who know you know the truth and why things are the way they are.