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Second divorce

Dogmom23's picture

For those of you who have been through it, how do you deal with the pain of a second divorce. Especially where step children are involved and ex dh is saying horrible things about you to BM and SD. I help BM pay rent so she is not homeless. I gave my unemployed ex dh a place to live. I did so much I was so horribly treated.


ndc's picture

I've never been through it, but I wanted to send virtual hugs.

Also, I would stop doing for your ex and his BM and child.  They are not your responsibility.  Take care of YOU, and let him worry about himself and his family/ex-family.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I have not been through a divorce yet but i would advise to stop helping right away and cut off all contact until divorce decree is final

You dont owe your unemployed ex or his financially struggling BM anything and he can say wtv he wants about u to his family, even if u were an angel to them, they would still have his back

My husband treats me like shit and has decided to move out this weekend (hope so honestly, but i think its just a manipulation tactic that he hopes would work for me to beg him)...He has talked shit about me to his kids multiple times and it doesnt bother me. I know where I stand and what I have done, if they want to deny its their prob

Move on and delete him from your life and brain altogether including his responsibilities (ex and SD)


My husband says im going to cry and regret how good of a man i have while he will be with a woman that he will love forever and treat right (funny how he cant treat me right but with another one he will lol)

Focus on you


Rumplestiltskin's picture

The fact he said that to you shows he is a manipulative POS of a husband. Already talking about his next woman while you are breaking up is some narcissistic BS. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Hold your head high and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Obviously you were not appreciated by anyone and taken advantage of. . It's thier loss, move on with your life and learn from this. 

Your husband sounds toxic, BM and SD are his to manipulate and have control over. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I would say if your stbx DH is talking bad about you to BM, put him behind you and move on. He is not worth it if he would betray you by talking to his ex about it. Some things you just can't come back from and i would never trust him again.