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To HMO or anyone else who's delt w/ ID theft

doll faced sm's picture

Husb. just found out BM opened a credit card in his name in her home town. He's going to file a police report tomorrow. I'm just wondering what, if anything, to expect.


Lalena75's picture

well if she's used it then you can rack up charges beyond identity theft. Contact your district attorney.

doll faced sm's picture

She took out a WalMart credit card in his name; he found out today when he tried to cash a check at their money center. They said they would have to hold the entire amount to pay toward his delinquency. He asked the woman what she was talking about and she said his WalMart credit card was maxed out to the tune of $5,000 and he hadn't made a payment in over a year. Since this is all news to him, he asked what all information they had on file (address, phone, etc.). All the information is BM's info, just his name and SS number.