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Part 6. My step daughter might be evil.

Empty Risks's picture

Once again....if you have stumbled onto this site and found this blog, it won't make a lot of sense because I've done it in sections.

*sigh* OK.

I have decided to start a list. This is easier, and most of you have the basic idea of how things started for her and for me, and how we ended up together because of a mutual love of her dad.

SO (he becomes my husband later) and I bought a house. We all moved in. This was in the year...oh, I guess it was June of 2001?

We all lived together from 2001-2006. That's right. Even as I post this, I am in my own apartment with my kids, and have been since last August. Happy friggin' anniversary, right? Ugh.

So, without further ado, a list of my SD "accomplishments".

1. Is incontinent. YES EVEN NOW. She is 14, and this started YEARS ago. Every time it happen, her dad says, "It'll get better. It won't happen again." IT SHOULDN'T EVER HAPPEN TO A GIRL OF 11, 12, 13, 14!!!

2. Is dirty, dirty, dirty. Won't wash herself properly in any way. She'll "forget" to wash her hair. "Forget" to wipe her privates after peeing or pooping (NO JOKE). "Forget" to use soap, wear deodorant, use shampoo, clip her nails (ever!). "Forget" that she shoved panties with shit stains and pee all over them under her bed or behind her door.

3. Lies, lies, lies. Doesn't remember she ever lied (which is another lie), then admits she lied, just to TAKE BACK THE FACT THAT SHE LIED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

4. Is ALWAYS ON PEOPLE. I mean, like ON people. In their lap, hugging their legs, touching their hair, holding their hands. If she isn't making contact with another person, it's the end of the world.

5. Aggravates on PURPOSE. This is anything from silly carpet shocks after being told to stop, to pinching, hitting, punching, poking, whispering mean breaking other people's property on purpose, and smiling afterward.

6. Skips classes or is tardy 8 out of 10 times. Fails 4 out of 7 classes. Was racist to an African American teacher....but that was also an "accident".

7. Treats me terribly when her dad isn't around. Calls me ugly in passive-aggressive ways. Like, "My friends at school think you are sooooooooo ugly. They can't stand to look at you. Isn't that funny?"


This kid is going to be 15 years old in October, and JUST THIS WEEK she had a melt down over staying with my SO's mom. This woman is awesome and sweet, and takes her for a week once per year TO FUCKING SHOP FOR ANYTHING SHE WANTS.

You know how my SD acts? She screams and yells, calls her dad an asshole.....she even hid in a McDonald's play-scape where we met half order to not be "forced" to see her grandma.

OH man, once she begged to go to camp...and I mean BEGGED. This was a place she'd been before, too. THE PREVIOUS WEEK.

We didn't want her to go again, but she wouldn't stop begging and pleading. So the hubby and I chatted about it, and shelled out the $400 for her to go, and after we told her she got her request?!?!?!?!

SHE TOLD ME TO GO TO HELL AND NEVER SPEAK TO HER AGAIN FOR MAKING HER GO AWAY. She told her dad that he sucked, and was cruel. I tried to calm her down and remind her she wanted to go JUST 15 MINUTES BEFORE, and she asked me (ready for this?)...

"Why are YOU even here? Just to ruin my life? To ruin my dad's life? I don't even understand why you are TALKING to me. Why don't you ever just be quiet and let me be with my dad without messing everything up?!"

UM....she had just begged to go to camp? I thought I was insane there for a few minutes. Swear!

9. She got $3,000 braces, and then REFUSED TO BRUSH HER TEETH. The orthodontist had to remove them, but only after her dad and I took her back in FIVE times to learn how to take care of the braces.

10. She started her period a year ago, and even after purchasing 15 books on the topic, talking with her about what to do and how to clean up, and even having our general practitioner's nurse speak with her about her changing body and what she had to do with the changes....GET THIS...


My Lord, she has left blood, feces, and urine on the toilet seat and been OBLIVIOUS to it. When I find this kind of stuff and point it out, she gets "put out", and her dad thinks I am PICKING ON HER. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, they also think I am making a BIG DEAL OUT OF NOTHING.

11. Have I mentioned she has no clue how many months are in a year? She can't even name the months in order without help.


We've had her IQ tested, just in case.
She's seen two shrinks.
She's seen two therapists.
We have had family counseling.
We've had her screened for bi-polar disorder and other mental disorders.
We had our Doc order a cat scan, for shit's sake!

They have found nothing. NOTHING.

What does a person do with this, I ask you?

I am not even listing everything, btw. Not by a long shot. And year after year, her dad gets madder at me for speaking up. Year after year, he defends her and says it'll get better. When it doesn't get better, and I say it's time to try something else? He shuts down and says I am making too much of it. Then he almost refuses to do anything else.

My SD isn't sexually active yet and doesn't use drugs yet. BUT WHAT ELSE CAN I SEE IN HER FUTURE WITH THIS KIND OF BEGINNING?!

I want to run. Run for my life. She strikes me as the kind of girl who will date a terrible guy...and when we call her on it? She'll have him kills us for saying they can't be together.

Dramatic? I think not. Read your newspaper. Happens all the time. AND re-read what I've posted....what do YOU think?

AND THAT IS JUST ONE SCENARIO, btw. I hate to think of the others.

You know about 80% of my life with this man and his daughter now.

Ah! But why did I marry him?!

Good question.

I was done. DONE. But then I heard that the bio mom was trying to do some court shit, and I didn't want that bitch anywhere around this troubled kid. I married him because I knew we could fight for full custody with a more "stable" situation.

That court battle never came. The SD turned up the heat so fast I couldn't even think of the actions to take.

I wasn't NEW in her life. I was the ALWAYS. I was at the hospital when she was born. No lie! My mom and I drove the couple to the hospital to have her.

I have never believed that a person is born "bad".

I thought it "took a village".

Now? Well, now I am just fucked. In every way a person can be.

Because, now, I don't know what to believe, or how to act, or where to go. I feel helpless to change any of it.

Ya know?

Well, my next post will be what has happened this very week. This week being when the SD had the giant fit about going to her grandma's again. Besides this week, I gotta tell you, it's been a weird month. July 8-August 8th will go down in my personal history as the strangest shit ever.

Because I am changing. And I can FEEL it.


Anne 8102's picture

That's all I can think when I read your posts. Wow. I'm surprised about all the professionals finding "nothing" when it's so obvious there is "something" wrong going on with this child. And it doesn't sound 100% psychological, either. It sounds like there's a learning disability on top of an underlying mental disorder exacerbated by horrible trauma in her early childhood. How on earth can "nothing" be wrong?! I'm so, so sorry for all you've been through. And yes, you have to have changed. You can't survive something like that and remain unchanged.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

stamina's picture

I do empathize with your anguish. Step family life is all about surprises and the unexpected. However, I have to ask, why get married to someone to create stability for someone else? Not a good foundation for a healthy marriage....especially as second marriages go. Perhaps the young lady in this case is having struggles and emotional problems (and enuresis or bedwetting is a problem, sometimes medical) may very well be due to all of the adults in her life and the subsequent chaos created.

Step parenting does change you. It changed me. It helped me to appreciate some of my own short comings and inability to tolerate kids born from my husband's first marriage....often had nothing to do with the kids themselves...just the fact that they existed.

I know that what you are experiencing is pure hell. But you do have the power to choose something better for yourself. No man is worth creating absolute misery in your life!

Anonymous's picture

I have been married to my DH for 12 years and took on his two daughters from his first marriage and I know what you mean about having trouble with them by the pure fact that they exist. Why is that? Things were great until they became teens and then look them I'm the "root of all evil", "enslaved their dad", etc., etc. I'm now in a position where I have been unable to forgive the pain they have caused me and the indifference they give their dad until they need something or can't stand their bio mom at the moment............. How do I begin to move on?

stamina's picture

How to move on...that is different for each one of us. I do understand what you mean by being unable to forgive them for the pain that they have caused. However, I got to a point where I had to make some decisions to have a better life and to be a happier person. That is exactly what I did. I stopped taking what they did and said so personally. In fact, in many ways, I became a bit apathetic about it all. Things don't impact me directly anymore. If my DH allows things to impact him...oh well...he is a big boy and I am way over feeling responsible for his problems. We have a great relationship fighting, no fury, no resentment...just living life. I know better now what my limits are and I know what I need to be happy.

Empty Risks's picture

How professionals have found NOTHING is beyond me. One claimed that it sounded like bi-polar disorder, and gave some weak meds for it, due to the fact that it's so "hard" to diagnose a child with bi-polar. *sigh*

They've named the right things in nailing what she is doing. Histrionics, PTSD's, emotional instability, separation anxiety, etc.

Yet, no name for it. Wtf?

And the bathroom stuff, like she can't seem to hold it? Well, we had tests and examinations done to see if her bladder just wasn't growing. Guess what? That's right! They found NOTHING WRONG.

I don't understand how this can happen. I really don't.

proud mom's picture

great big giant tight hugs
I don't know how you have done it you have a heart of gold!!!
I have a BS6 that has "issued" )Global Developmental Delayed and Inattentive ADD 9I personally think there is other problems so off to another Dr)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know it is ok to vent and we are hear for you Smile

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all a

More than I have in this particular area. And might I add "eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!", that is just disgusting that this young lady refuse to wipe her own ass, and is that totally unhygenic in regards to her monthly visitor...OMG, that one alone would have me freakin all over her and dh's ass. I honestly have no advice for you, this one has me stumped...but girl I am most defiantly praying for you.

Catch22's picture

In one sitting I might add. I just have to mention a few things, firstly the aspergers, my ex BF and his little boy were both diagnosed with AS and you deserve huge hugs just for getting through that one!! My ex's mum sure is a strong lady with 4 other children and even she had to send my Ex away when he was 11 to like a boot camp because she couldn't handle him. I know first hand what you have gone through with that one and your little boy, I have seen what it can do...I have so much admiration for you. Oh and if you haven't already been told by doctors or already done it yourself, the best thing you can give your little one with AS is music..instrument or whatever takes his fancy but they are very gifted children in their chosen talent.

Then to have to deal with all the other stuff, and the way I see it, you have seen the early stuff when she was 2 years old and someone coming in when she was 10 years old would not have the memories of all these painful and horrible things that you have been witness to, she is lucky to have had you. But I still don't see what links these child incidences (abuse) have to her hygene and looking after herself?? I am guessing this has you and the doctors baffled also.

I too am 33(this year) and my heart goes out to you, part of you wants to help them and part of you wants to can not be blamed for feeling either but after all you have been through, I think running is your only saviour. But I am not here to tell you which way to run but to listen and pray that you and your boys make it out with your heart & mind intact...but if you run...please, make it fast.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

gertrude's picture

I just went through your posts. It sounds like you are the ball in a pinball machine and some sadist is operating the flippers! I can only glimpse the worry and hurt you are in having seen this youngster grow up. But, you can't help or save anyone else unless you are safe and secure. From what I've read - this means you and your sons.

In your posting, I hear a feeling of guilt come through that you can't do more. Drop that - you are not guilty, this situation isn't your fault. Oh, and BTW - you are NOT crazy!

Something you said in an earlier post about writing everything down to figure it out sounds spot on. Write it out, set your boundaries, review those boundaries with yourself. Maybe sharethose boundaries with her Dad. If he can't step up to the plate with all the help and love you've given over the years, then you may have to call it quits.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was a lifeguard. During the training, my instructor said something I've always remembered: "One of the hardest things to learn and accept is to know when you can't help. The only thing worse than one body is two. Never be the second body." Know your limits, and never feel bad about having done everything you could.

My thoughts are with you. Whatever you decide, you have been and are a strong and caring person!

everythinghappens4areason's picture

You must be one hell of a good lady to have dealt with this over the years. How you didn't hit the hubby (and SD) over the head on a daily basis is beyond can he even possibly think that things will get better in the future, is he trying to convince himself or you? Like what the hell is in this man's head?!! I would probably take this SD to the psyc hospital and say, you keep her until you find out what the hell is wrong with her!! This is absolutely rediculous that they haven't found anything wrong with her..... I also wonder how much the father down played things at the assessments when dealing with any of the counsellor's, etc., that she seen since he obviously down plays everything at home.. Were you present for the meetings?

Also, did DAD ever have to clean his daughter up after her discusting hygiene problems and then clean up the bathroom as well? How about him gathering up the nasty laundry and being solely responsible for washing it? Men normally get grossed out over the "monthly curse", I can imagine having to actually touch it might make reality set in quicker.

I am still in shock, how did/do you cope? You must have one hell of a strength to get through this. You need to commend yourself are awesome!


Musa Xlobin's picture

she is trying to get attention. Negative attention is attention too. And she is getting it, from you. So either stop giving it to her so she can switch onto some other sofisticated lets-drive-you-mad method, or get another focus.
She also sounds like she has attachment disorder (or whatever it is called, when abused children offer their bodies or seek physical intimacy in exchange for love) - therefore climbing on other people.
Get a maid and start charging her money for the service, or send her to a boarding school for special needs. This is ridiculous. Her past trauma is part of her, but at some point she needs to get over it or crumble, bur preferably without taking the whole family with.
good luck

stamina's picture

That there Dad is with, it isn't about is about your role in their life and they don't like it and may not respect it. Believe me, life has not been a bed of roses for me in step parenting...quite the opposite actually. They may get beyond the behaviours and they may not. But I can bet my bottom dollar that you probably won't change it single handedly and if you do, it very well may come between you and your spouse. I really believe that that is a big factor in second marriages not working...the couple not having a unified front on things. Stepkids not behaving as we would like is probably a given...our own kids don't always behave as we would like, even when we dole out punishment (unless you have some secrets that I didn't have or have kids that are perfect...I didn't).

Empty Risks's picture

Our *own* kids don't feel the need to destroy us, though. They don't get off on character assassination. The step kids DO, and that is the difference.

There is a competition that exists for these "poor, sad" step children. I'll buy that when they are itty-bitty, they can't help it has been something taught to them by others.

But when they are older, like mine, and have had every benefit in the world (like mine), and haven't had some mean-assed bio mom in the corner rooting for their meanness (like mine), and have gotten professional help time and time again (like mine), and have been given chance after chance with a ton of love and support (like mine)....the gloves have to come off at some point. By that I mean this: the tit stops here.

When do we stop coddling these kids, and making excuses like "but they didn't choose the marriage" or "this is a natural part of growing up" OR "nobody is perfect" OR EVEN "well the PARENTS must not be unified enough"????????

The bottom line is the bottom line. These kids know what they can use to their advantage, and they play it like their lives depend on it. They do it because they know as step parents we will try to see past it and work hard for our marriages. They do it because they know other folks will feel sorry for them. And they do it because someone with a bleeding heart will always be around to tell them how it is OK to be that way, or feel that way, or ACT THAT WAY.

Enough, as I said before, is enough.

At least that's my take on it.

stamina's picture

No matter what the circumstances! I am not justifying it at all....just trying to understand why it happens. How to fix it is a whole other matter. I decided that I couldn't with my sks when they were teens and had to let my DH handle things because the kids did not listen one bit to what I had to say. To top it off, his ex used to come down (just to interfere) to meet with child and my husband to "create a resolution." So in essence she was a part of pretending to provide problem solving for my household! That made me even more upset. So I do understand what you are saying. The problem is that the step parents usually don't have the authority to decide what happens with the step kids unless the DH allows it. If you just take charge, the DH gets pissed off. So that's why I said I don't know any easy answers and every situation is so different.

Empty Risks's picture

Man, I feel you on that. How do we as step parents help at all when we have our hands tied. I especially hate that my "D"H lectures me on being there and trying harder, but when push comes to shove and there is an actual problem to be resolved, I sort of get shoved aside as far as my opinions and feelings on things go. Ya know?

I guess that's why I get so damned angry about the whole dynamic.

I guess sometimes I wish that the BM (and I know how bad this will sound, but I think you'll understand it) was around (tho not as horrible). See, that way, THEY could deal with the heavy stuff and maybe I could be more hands off and my patience wouldn't be ebbing away....or gone.

But the BM took off after making all those horrible mistakes, and I stepped in, which means I have to be the law and order (with no real power) and get the brunt of SD's anger (with very little back up from "D"H), and I get to be seen as the baddie, when all I ever wanted was to help.

It's like a no win situation every day, and that sucks soooo much.

*sigh* What can we do, right?

stamina's picture

That is what I try to do...I know I don't always do the best job but I try. Sometimes I feel myself distancing a bit from his kids and sometimes even from him. I have to make a conscious effort to be more that can be so hard.